SWBTS Trustees Offer Details on President Adam Greenway’s ‘Resignation’ and the Dysfunctionality of his Leadership

Jonathan Howe, Baptist Press September 24, 2022
Last month, SWBTS President Adam Greenway was effectively canned for being terrible at his job. Marked by a desire to reshape the seminary’s ethos in his image, at least 45 faculty left under Greenways’ watch, either retiring, resigning, or plain out being fired, such as the canning of the much-loved top professors David Allen and Robert Lopez.
With morale at an all-time low, Greenway also dragged the seminary into massive debt, ensuring his vocational coil was swiftly snuffed out. The fact that he recently challenged the biblical definition of a pastor and claimed the Baptist Faith and Message 2000’s restriction of the pastorate to men likely applied only to the (biblically non-existent) office of “senior pastors” and not other ‘pastoral roles’ likely didn’t help matters either.
In a SWBTS new brief, chairman Danny Roberts recounted for trustees the circumstances that led to Greenway’s resignation:
“(Roberts spoke) candidly about the Sept. 22 Executive Committee meeting and the “difficult decisions” made by trustees. Noting his role in Greenway’s election as ninth president, Roberts said he is “convinced” God led the search committee and board to Greenway, who “accepted a very difficult assignment, which was further complicated” by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Over time, unfortunately, several patterns developed that board officers and the Executive Committee had a duty to address,” he said. “As those became known, they were addressed in an appropriate manner. Significant financial challenges compounded a growing sense of concern among our board leadership.”
Among “areas of concern,” Roberts said, “were dysfunctionality amongst senior leadership, budget mismanagement, overspending resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars of deficits per month, and attempts to pass the blame for these matters onto three different chief financial officers who were each removed. More recently, it became clear that action was required after evidence emerged of escalating morale problem in the institution, especially among the faculty, and a resistance to safeguards board leadership wanted to implement.”
By the end of the Executive Committee meeting, Greenway “offered his resignation and the trustees accepted that resignation.”
Regarding the questions of dysfunction, SWBTS senior advisor O.S. Hawkins shared on social media that as a result of the findings regarding the inner working of the deviltry inside the school, further audits will be done to ensure a “detailed review” of all raised concerns.
— O S Hawkins (@OSHawkins) October 19, 2022
Note that “Roberts said he is “convinced” God led the search committee and board to Greenway”. Yeah, sure God did. This is just another SBC clown claiming to have a special leading from God, yet Roberts offers no answers as to why God’s plan was an abysmal failure. No need to evaluate your “spiritual ears” Mr Roberts, just move on the next man that “God leads” you to. IF, in fact, God did lead the board to Greenway, it must have been His intent to destroy SWBTS. I concur, that seminary has been a theological laughing stock for decades.
God did not lead you to English class.