Is This The Single Worst ‘Devotional’ Page Ever Written?

Presented without comment, other than to say that my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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4 thoughts on “Is This The Single Worst ‘Devotional’ Page Ever Written?

  1. Basically, a very condensed female summary of the book Gentle and Lowly. Plus, it starts with us choosing God, while then switching to God specifically choosing us.

    1. Whether it angers God , like many things, would be a heart issue. If the writer has a close affinity for God and this is her way of expressing it, perhaps not. If this is her way of recreating a God and savior according to her preferences and leading others in the same direction, that would be a heart that seeks after elivating self by creating a God according to preferences and leading others to join in that same pursuit. One would need to read the rest of the devotional to ascertain what direction the author seems to go in.

      The book Gentle and Lowly definitely created an image of the three persons of the Trinity that eventually gave the impression that all three had as their focus humbling themselves for our benefit in one way or another. The book makes everything essentially about us. Definitely a “me” centered focus, which is of course is very popular for the me generation. This devotional seems to adhere to that same popular theme.

      While it is good to encourage others to seek comfort in the Lord, biblical fidelity needs remain completely intact. All aspects of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit need to remain intact as well.

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