Disgraced SBC Pastor Johnny Hunt Under Fire for Announcing Men’s Conference, Then Deleting Details

Earlier this week, former SBC Leader Johnny Hunt announced dates for his upcoming long-standing men’s conference “Hunted” on his website, then quickly deleted details following pushback after an apostate brought it to light.
Before being deleted, the promo page listed the first week in February as the conference date- which is when the conference has historically been held, along with the location: the church he pastored for decades before being suspended and put under church discipline. Now, the details are gone, with a simple thanks for attending the 2022 conference remaining, and a request to “stay tuned.”

Four months ago, First Baptist Church of Woodstock formally suspended Pastor Emeritus Johnny Hunt, 69, after being accused of sexually assaulting another pastor’s wife a decade earlier.
You can read more about the details here, but the gist is that 12 years ago, while on vacation with another pastor and his wife, Hunt is accused of making inappropriate comments about her body, such as her tan lines. He then manoeuvred himself into her room, where he is alleged to have pinned her to the couch, got on top of her, forcibly removed her clothes, groped her and put his hands and mouth on her breasts and body.
Afterwards, he apologized to her and her husband, and they all did some counselling and collectively decided not to bring it up again.
Hunt copped to the interaction but not on any of the details. After the news first hit, Hunt tweeted out a brief message, reiterating that he “vigorously denies the circumstances and characterizations set forth in the Guidepost report” and that “I never abused anybody.” later, he put out a message on social media to his church family at First Baptist Woodstock, further denying the claims against him.
Though he doesn’t go into any detail, he describes their interaction as a “brief, improper encounter” that was fully “consensual” but which he fled after feeling conviction about it. He states in no uncertain terms, “it was NOT abuse NOR was it assault” and that “the most absurd allegation is that this brief, consensual encounter constituted assault.”
When asked about the conference being hosted at his old haunts, FBC Woodstock Executive Pastor of Ministry Matt Lawson allegedly replied in an email: “The information on the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference website yesterday was incorrect. That website does not belong to First Baptist Woodstock. There will not be a Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference at First Baptist Woodstock.”
Since his fall, Hunt has been completely absent from social media and from the public eye, with his last post being a video denying the allegations against him.
He should have been disciplined and removed in 2008 for his hosting of, and participation in, the John 3:16 conference. It is inexcusable for Hunt, a hyper-Armenian “pastor”, to use a conference to publicly attack Calvinistic brothers as if they are heretics. If Johnny Hunt were a real man and half a bible scholar, he would have open debate about subject, and would be likely have been embarrassed by far greater scholars.
Hunt clearly forfeited his biblical right to teach due to his sexual sin and subsequent denial/coverup. Why does this man still have a pulpit?