Twitter Suspended Us Until We Took Down THIS Picture

As our big tech overlords continue to crush and constrain us, they recently took a bit more direct action by suspending our account for posting what from their perspective ought to be a harmless image, refusing to let us back on until we removed it.

The offending picture is this one, featuring SBC Bart Barber after he slandered an abortion abolitionist and continued to insist that babies in the womb are not the same as babies outside the womb and should NOT be given equal protection and rights under the law.

The image is shocking and graphic. It hurt to post. We debated for quite a while over doing so, having a queasy feeling in our stomach as we edited it, alternately wanting to cry and throw up that someone would do such a cruel thing to a human soul. To a precious baby. To a precious child.
But from Twitter’s perspective- that should not be a big deal. It’s not a baby being injured or tortured but is simply biological matter. It’s not a separate body, but rather part of the body. For them, it’s no different than an organ like the liver or pancreas- just a clump of cells. Because it’s just tissue; how is it any different than posting a picture of a medium-rare steak?
You wouldn’t say that a ribeye is being tortured by being cut up and cooked. You wouldn’t say a tenderloin is being waterboarded by being basted.
Implicit in the warning is the acknowledgment that something terrible is happening to someone and that it should not be shown. They treat the process of having an abortion as no more consequential as having one’s tonsils removed, or a zit to be popped, but will let you show one and not the other.
What a wicked organization.
Once again, big tech censors the truth. While posts which delight, and take sadistic pleasure, in the slaughter of the unborn, are not censored.
Everywhere you look these days, it is obvious:
Lead people away from the Lord, and the mainstream will rejoice.
Lead people to the Lord, and they will try to target and destroy you, if not imprison or kill you.
Those who take the broad path that leads to destruction will always despise and reject those who don’t.
What are we going to do about it?
Do what God would have us to do, whatever the cost. Beyond that, I don’t know.
I am presently creating an additional $33,000 or severa months from home doing terribly honest and clean sports activities sports on-line from home. q1 though currently I haven’t any doubt that specifically $20845 withinside the ultimate month comes from this domestic hobby. ~*e30 ~ i’m currently interacting later on for the period of this hobby and generating massive coins on-line with the utilizationful resource of the use of swaying withinside
the given stat process system….
Protestia leads people to The Lord? Pffft. It’s an entertainment website for goats.
I am presently creating an additional $33,000 or severa months from home doing terribly honest and clean sports activities sports on-line from home. q1 though currently I haven’t any doubt that specifically $20845 withinside the ultimate month comes from this domestic hobby. ~*e30 ~ i’m currently interacting later on for the period of this hobby and generating massive coins on-line with the utilizationful resource of the use of swaying withinside
the given stat process system….
Many of the pictures posted on this website are vile and offensive beyond comprehension. Christians do no need to look upon the dismembered remains of an aborted fetus – real or simulated – to know that abortion is contrary to God’s, human decency and dignity. That Protestia doesn’t understand this and feels the need to post such horrific images is reprehensible. Shame on you. Nothing can be done for you, really.
Have you learned nothing from the dark days of JD Hall, wherein he would rant incessantly about what homosexuals do, the correct posture for a man whilst urinating, mad prophetesses urinating on people from the rooftops, and all manner of scatological references? The man disgusted me, and it’s sad to see that continuing in his shadow,
Oh, and I take issue with the headline photograph for two reasons:
1. It is not the image referred to in the headline. It is disingenuous clickbait.
2. Rosemary is more appropriately served with lamb, not beef.