‘Love Your Neighbor’: Gavin Newsom Quotes Scripture in Pro-Abortion Billboard Campaign

(Christian Headlines) California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) recently launched a billboard campaign using a Bible verse to support abortion in pro-life states.
Newsom, who’s running for reelection this November, posted images of the billboards on social media last Thursday. The signs will be put up in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and four other states where abortion is restricted or prohibited altogether.
“To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your health,” Newsom’s tweet reads in part.

The Democratic governor also tagged several Republican governors, such as Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, in his post of a billboard image that reads: “Need an abortion? California is ready to help.”
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Editor’s Note: This article was written by Milton Quintanilla and published at Christian Headlines
He deliberately and wickedly took part of one verse out of context, in order to try to wrong imply that love thy neighbor is the greatest commandment, when it is not.
The greatest commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.
Murdering unborn children violates that first commandment. As does the immorality that precedes.
“Love thy neighbor as thyself” is secondary to, and dependent upon, “love the Lord thy God,” and it is judged by God according to what He says is or is not loving your neighbor. There’s nothing loving about slaughtering unborn children. There’s nothing loving about encouraging people on a path of compounding immoral choices that lead to that choice to murder the child.
You’ll do anything to justify hating someone else. Your poor family.
I have no doubt this men is demon possessed.
Speacial place in hell for those who hurt children and will not repent!
Sir repent while there is time accept Jesus as Lord or you will pay the eternal price!