3-Year-Old Girl With Supernatural Powers Heals Every Disease! Or Does She?

In a sad example of the way that the Christian faith has been strangled and co-opted by hucksters and deceivers, a family in the village of Rori in Tanzania is claiming their three-year-old daughter, Eunice, has supernatural powers to perform miracles, regrow limbs and cure cancer, attracting folk from all across the country eager to be blessed and receive.
Inventing a supernatural backstory, her parents claim that their daughter spent three years in the womb and that once delivered, she learned to talk at seven months. Charismatic Roman Catholics, her parents claim Eunice does these miracles by turning fresh water into holy water, which she then pours on people’s heads, healing them from different and dangerous diseases.
The video, having 1.7 million views and 21 thousand ‘likes’ has a combox littered with messages like these, demonstrating the great need for men and missionaries with sound biblical teaching to go into the world, make disciples, and teach them to lay aside their false beliefs and idols of damnable doctrine.

h/t to Shawn at Revealing Truth, who has the fuller video with commentary here
Okay. I’m going to say it: Why are black people so freaking gullible?????????? Around my town, they are the ones still masked up. My favorite is when (and I’ve seen this twice this week) they cough and sneeze in their mask and LEAVE IT ON!!!
I so wish they would see who their real slave masters are and what color the people are now under the KKK hoods.
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Charlatans and hucksters have been enriching themselves for centuries in the name of God. Disgusting.
God can’t heal. Healing is literally satanic signs or wonders, or fraud. Where in the Bible does it say God will heal??? Read John MacArthur!
The blind guy!!! Read the Bible!!! Heretic!!!!
Yea that’s wrong. Yes there are false healing sign and wonders. There are true biblical healings. Let not throw the baby out with the bath water.
No your wrong. Reformed are cessationists! Repent your strange fire satan!
Your baloney!!!!!
Pentecostal crap pusher charismatic bullcrap!!! Read John MacArthur you fraudsters! “Miracles” are from devil
Read John Macarthur instead of the Bible??!?? Heresy! Next you’ll tell me that gays are people and women should be treated like equals. Disgusting!!!!!