#1 Female Evangelist in the World is Selling THIS Item for $5,333 Dollars

Singer Juanita Bynum, the prosperity- gospel preaching prophetess and self-described “Number 1 Female Evangelist in the World” according to a nifty biographical booklet that she prepared, is selling something on her website that we’ve never seen before, and charging a premium for doing so.

Selling spiritual swag is a common enough thing, from Bethel Church selling a “declaration clicker” to track faith increases, Jim Bakker selling a $1000 “Miracle Blanket,” and even someone peddling a Joel Osteen Inspiration Machine, we’ve seen it before, and Bynum is no different. After all, her wedding cost over a million dollars, so you know she is desirous of filthy lucre and everything it buys. 

On her page, she begins by giving 500$ off her $2000 class, which has seven sessions and a live Q & A afterward and includes perks like the “sacred anointing oil” and a branded tote bag. 

There is a ‘Sacred Prayer Kit’ for $133, which is proffered as a “sacred and secret weapon in the arsenal of the believer! ” The kit, which contains some oil, a handkerchief, a prayer shawl, and a bottle of water, is described as having been “saturated and preserved in a consecrated place with the intent of releasing divine healing, deliverance, breakthroughs and restoration to every person that receives it. The harvest on this invaluable love gift will bless you and your household for generations to come!

You can purchase her topical bible for $99, which lets you “Go beyond the words to understand the true meaning and activation of the scriptures” or you can pay $152 for a calendar and a journal to “understand the meaning of God’s timing for the year 2022-2023.”

Lastly are these gems: a card that gives you discounts on her products. These range from $33 for 5% off, to $3,333 for 20%.

And then there is the the granddaddy of them all, a ‘Black Vow Card’ that gives a 25% discount on her products for the tidy sum of $5,333, meaning you’d have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in merch to even be worth it. We wonder if this could be used to purchase another Black Vow Card?

h/t to Shawn of Revealing Truth, do did a video about it here.

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7 thoughts on “#1 Female Evangelist in the World is Selling THIS Item for $5,333 Dollars

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  4. Just another narcissistic opportunist fleecing the undiscerning and naive. Bynum is a truly pathetic human being who will receive her just reward.

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