Exclusive: ‘Five Iron Frenzy’ is Pro-Gay +Pro-Choice

A few months ago, we broke the story that the ‘Christian‘ band Relient K came out as pro-LGBTQ after inviting open and unrepentantly gay musician Semler to join them on their upcoming tour. Semler is a queer artist and is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly held the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts.

Semler has openly advocated for LGBTQ allies to shout out “gay rights” during Christian concerts to force the bands to comment publicly and confront their views on the issue. She recently made news after doing this same thing at a Switchfoot concert, resulting in lead singer Jon Foreman Releasing a pro-LGBTQ TikTok video.

Seemingly on a quest to catch the eye of every Christian Band out there, she received a word of thanks from Reese Roper, frontman of the group Five Iron Frenzy and Brave Saint Saturn, after giving his music a shout-out on the EleventyLife Podcast. Roper let her know that he and the band were on her side and that they were good with the gays.

Five Iron Frenzy pioneered Christian Ska in the 1990’s, joining bands like the Insyderz and the OC Supertones as mainstays on every playlist. Formed in 1995 and breaking up 2003, they’ve grouped for a few shows here and there, even releasing new music in the last two decades. With albums such as Upbeats and BeatdownsOur Newest Album Ever!All the Hype That Money Can Buy, and Electric Boogaloo, they became known for their off-the-beat lyrics, frenetic energy, and eventual increasingly commitments to social justice causes and themes of society breakdown.

These causes have blossomed.

In a 2020 interview with IVM, Roper explains that he wrote ‘Fahrenheit’ in 2000 for and about gay people, but became angry at himself for chickening out and adding a line about hating the sin and loving the sinner, betraying his belief at that time that “love is love” whether it be straight or gay.

More importantly, it was time to write a song for LGBTQ people, and not care what the Christian Booksellers Association felt about it. I chose myself as the person to point the finger at, and Fahrenheit was born. At the time- this was far past the envelope for a band in our position. I tried. Where I was in my faith at that point, was coming to term with accepting and loving my friends and family members who had come out as Gay, Lesbian, and Trans.

I wanted to speak from love, and say I was sorry for my own sin of homophobia. Please don’t forgive me for this, because it was the most we could say at the time, or because I was still growing in my faith. I knew that it was wrong when I wrote that words “Love the sinner, hate the sin”, and I did it to slowly edge into the volatility of the Christian market.

It was cowardly, and I know this. But, I was working through it, and that song was born. I could have left that line out, but some failure of my moral compass sought to pacify both the Evangelical Church, and what I knew to be right. Love is love, people.”

Over the years his belief that homosexuality is perfectly normal and acceptable has not waned but only increased, tweeting out support for PRIDE on several occasions.

More than this, Five Iron Frenzy has several members who are no longer Christians, having renounced their faith a long time ago. Joined with Reese, they began to manifest the fruit of their deconstruction, releasing a song decrying those who would “vote to stop abortions” as rancorous and poisonous; a theme Roper would come back to repeatedly, particularly in light of the overturning of Roe v Wade, which has him frequently fired up.

Sadly, they are not the first band to apostatize like this, and they won’t be the last.

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20 thoughts on “Exclusive: ‘Five Iron Frenzy’ is Pro-Gay +Pro-Choice

  1. Who would kill themselves to end pain and suffering in this life, knowing they would endure an eternity of far worse pain and suffering in Hell?

    Considering that question, exactly who is encouraging them to kill themselves. Is it those who speak the truth of God’s Word, that lest they repent, they are indeed going to Hell? Or is it those who tell them otherwise, that they’re just fine just like they are?

    Wonder why as more and more lie to them and tell them otherwise, over recent decades, suicides have increased? Wonder why there are now more and more of them, with nearly half the younger generation claiming to be something contrary to God’s design? Exactly who’s encouraging more suicide?

    The poster who caught and noted the false dilemma is correct. And there are many more fallacious arguments being made. The worst false dilemma being the message they send, that the only choice available is to be a sinful abomination or die, is wickedly antithetical to scripture. It’s so antithetical, it’s anti-Christ. Those who send such a satanic message are not Christians. They apparently don’t even know what it means to be a Christian. They completely omit the truth that there is another option: Repent, accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, submit to Him, be born again, become a new creature, old things are passed away, separated from your sin, and live.

    1. Those who are in that sinful state need to understand. If we tell you the truth of God’s Word, that you are headed to Hell, it should go without saying that we do not want that to be your eternal fate. We don’t want you dying and going to Hell. If we did, we wouldn’t be warning you. Right?

      We may turn away from you, have nothing to do with you, and discriminate against your sin, as the Bible instructs (2 Tim. 3:5) (1 Cor. 5) (Etc.), we may leave you to wallow in the pig pen as the prodigal son that you are. But that does not mean we want you to stay in your sinful condition. It means that we cannot allow you to move us into a place where we should not be. We cannot allow you to force or extort us into supporting abominable sin. We cannot affirm that you are fine when we know you’re not. We cannot allow you to indoctrinate our children. We cannot allow you to manipulate us into rejecting God’s Word, to veer off the narrow path that God wants us to walk. We cannot jump into the pig pen with you.

      The Bible tells you just as clear as it possibly could, that you are the ones who need to change.

      1. Understand, your threats will not move us. Your attempts to manipulate will not move us. We are not going to bend to your extortionist message that if we don’t reject God’s Word, then you are going to kill yourself. We would not reject God’s Word if you were to stage a mass suicide, with millions of you setting yourselves ablaze on the national mall. We are not going to be moved. You can forget that idea. It ain’t happening.

      2. You are not warring against us. You are warring against God and His Word. Kicking against the pricks, while blaming us because your feet are in pain. You might as well be trying to shift the moon off its orbit with the leverage of a toothpick.

        You don’t need our approval. You need God’s approval. And we’re not Him. His approval is not ours to give. We don’t have the power to usurp His authority, or to change His Word. But you can be assured that God will keep His word. If you want surety and security, that’s where you’ll find it. You don’t have to choose between pain here and worse pain of eternity in Hell. God loves you enough, that He gave you another option.

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  3. Anyone who willingly discounts and ignores God’s Word in favor of worldly sin has no right calling themselves a Christian – they are of the world and leading the naive and undiscerning astray.

    1. Further, if there’s anything I’ve learned in my Walk With The Lord, we need to repel these animals. Love has conditions. It always has and it always will. If Jesus taught us anything, we should hate these people for the sin that we’ve defined. Someone needs to grab these libs by the pussy and show they The Way.

      1. You’re welcome to try. Nowhere in the Bible does it say love has conditions. Jesus says to love your enemy, and you clearly think the LGBTQ community is your enemy. Jesus never taught hate. He taught love and acceptance. Maybe if the church remembered that, you’d stop being a punchline.

  4. If I was in a room with Joel Osteen, Xi Jinping, Vladmir Putin and Reese Roper and was given a gun with 3 bullets in it, I would put all 3 into Reese just to make sure.

    He has done more to irreparably damage Christianity in the last 25 years than any other one person.

    1. You think Reese Roper has done more damage to Christianity in the last 25 years than anyone else? The guy who sang Battle Dancing Unicorns With Glitter? Wizard Needs Food Badly? That Reese Roper? He damaged Christianity? No sir. Christianity was damaged by people who ignored the teachings of Jesus. Love everyone. Take care of everyone. Don’t judge. Modern Evangelicals love only themselves and their own dogma. They can’t be bothered to care about the poor, or the hungry, or the prisoner, or any other member of any marginalized community. Your hatred is what has damaged Christianity. “What you did not do for the least among you, you did not do for me.”

    2. This wicked comment is not fitting for a follower of Jesus Christ. I’m just as concerned for your soul as I am Reese Roper’s.

  5. If I was in a yurt with Chris Hannah, David Bazan, and Reese Roper and was given a platter of 2 sandwiches, I’d go get another sandwich to make sure everyone had a sandwich.

  6. An “exclusive” story of information that’s been well known for many years written by someone who can’t or won’t even put a byline on it? Miss me with this rubbish. And some of the comments on here by so called “Christians” are blood chilling. You are the reason we are leaving in droves.

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