Apologia Church Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Editor of Check My Church Website

(Ministry Watch) Sarah Young’s Check My Church website seeks to “check every church in the country” and  “expose corruption, abuse, legalism, materialism, and wolves” in sheep’s clothing. But the watchdog ministry’s articles about “red flags” at Apologia Church have generated angry denials from lead pastor Jeff Durbin, who claims that Young is a cult member.

On Monday, the church’s attorney sent Young a cease and desist letter, claiming she has defamed the church and its members by either knowingly or recklessly spreading falsehoods. 

The letter demanded Young remove her latest article on the church, which is now unavailable on the site, but other articles on Apologia remain. The article in question, “Apologia Church Members Abused Their Adopted Child | What Does the Church Know?” can be found in the exhibits to the attorney’s letter, which is available here.

The article claims the church encourages members to adopt babies and bring them to faith in Christ. Young claims the church provided counseling and cover to members Michael and Tiffany Hendrickson, who allegedly repeatedly abused the child they adopted.

On Saturday Aug. 13, Young emailed Durbin asking him to comment on…to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch

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6 thoughts on “Apologia Church Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Editor of Check My Church Website

  1. Regardless of what you think of apologia, Sarah Young is part of a cult and has no business checking anyone’s church. The woman is not even remotely orthodox or actually Christian. You all should mention that as well or else you may have people go and start using her website and then all end up in hell.

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  2. Wow, she was spanked, disciplined, and even made to wash her own clothes. The horror. 🙄

    By these rabid feminists’ standards, my parents would’ve been buried under the jail, I would’ve become a ward of the state, and would probably now be in the gutter, dead, or on the fast track to Hell. There wasn’t a day that passed that I didn’t get a cut, bruise, or other injury while playing. And just about got a spanking every day, for good reason. Thank God they loved me enough to discipline me.

    I don’t know whether or not there was legitimate abuse, but I can tell Ms. Young that she is not helping the case by including stuff that is clearly not abusive. It was investigated. They’re not in prison. Apparently it wasn’t so bad that it was illegal. And these days a godless psychologist’s opinion is about worth less than used toilet paper. Some of them would cry abuse if you read the child a Bible verse, for crying out loud.

    1. … food too. If I didn’t eat what was put in front of me, I didn’t eat. And if I pitched a fit about it, I was made to sit there until the plate was clean.

      It apparently didn’t harm me, considering I grew up to be an accomplished athlete in several sports, a lot better fit than the children who where spoiled and coddled by their mothers.

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