Kyle J. Howard Didn’t Always Love Pornographic TV Shows. See These Tweets from 2017

Several days ago, we criticized Kyle J Howard for his love of R-rated pornographic TV shows. In the last few months, he’s revealed two particularly nasty shows that he likes, Ozarks and The Sandman, which fit the bill, on account of their sex and nudity. Given that these are just two that he’s spoken about offhanded, it’s likely there are more he’s watching, which is extremely hypocritical given how outspoken he’s been about porn and the effect it’s had on men’s view of women.
But it wasn’t always this way. Years ago, back in 2017, Howard would frequently condemn Christians watching Game of Thrones, decrying it for the pornography it is. He used to say things like “You can’t love women whose bodies are being used for your entertainment,” and “Game of Thrones is simply porn with an epic plot.”

Now, those same exhortations could be applied to himself for his current favorite shows, along with his rebuke and lamentation, “I pray the existence of the show would make Christian men’s souls weep rather than be entertained.”
Let’s see where he was at 5 years ago:

Howard shared similar thoughts in a another thread a few months later:

How the mighty have fallen.
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