Irony Alert! Bethel Church Reopens HEALING SCHOOLS After Being Shut Down 2 Years

Bethel Church continues to play the hypocrite and act like everyone around them is stupid. How else can you explain the announcement that they’ve reopened their Healing School after being shut down for two years without mentioning WHY they were closed in the first place? The promo for the Healing Schools reads:

Bethel Healing School is focused on activating a culture of healing and miracles, and stepping into a greater breakthrough in the miraculous. You will be inspired, trained, equipped, and launched into a lifestyle of healing and miracles. This school encompasses much more than just teaching; it’s four days immersed into a culture of joy, freedom, and experiencing all that Jesus paid for. It’s designed to be an intense week full of practical activation, impartation, and miracles, miracles, miracles!

In a video posted online, Chuck Parry, Director of Healing Ministries in Bethel and the primary teacher of the schools, offers up a happy proclamation:

What if everything Jesus said was true? What if he said we’d lay hands on the sick and they’d recover? What if he said the works that he did we get to do and even greater works than these because it goes to the Father? What if he said, ‘heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, freely we’ve received freely give?’

We’re so excited the Bethel Healing School is back again this year after a two-year break.

This is a wonderful season to see break through come to the body of Christ. Join us in this school as we invite you into activation and impartation into the freedom and joy and beauty of healing. We want to help you fulfil God’s call on your life. Come join us for this amazing experience in the power of the gospel.

The two-year break? Let’s talk about that. That was during the pandemic when healing was needed the most.

We’re not surprised in the least by their hypocrisy. Don’t forget that the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry(BSSM) was also shut down for much of the pandemics, along with their church services and their healing houses, because of the novel coronavirus. The school and church where they teach eager acolytes to perform miracles were shut down for months at a time because…they could not do any miracles.

In fact, they shut down the BSSM several times last year, and not just once, but cancelling classes or having instruction through Zoom.

Furthermore, in October of 2020, Bethel and their school had so many cases linked back to outbreaks at the school and church – none of which were healed by all those gifted apostles and faith-healers who operate from the 10,000-member megachurch – that it caused their county of over 175,000 people to go into lockdown mode. This directly resulted from how many COVID-19 cases were arising, prompting the Chief Executive Officer for the Shasta Community Health Center to call out Bill and Beni Johnson by name.

Bethel Church and its supernatural affiliates did nothing about COVID-19 other than cower from it and hide from it, paralyzed with fear, and now they want to open up their Healing School once the worst of it is over.

The nerve is astonishing, but that’s never stopped them before.

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5 thoughts on “Irony Alert! Bethel Church Reopens HEALING SCHOOLS After Being Shut Down 2 Years

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  3. Those on stage faith healers performing what appear to be truly remarkable miracles…why then is there never an invitation for them to practice their remarkable gifts on, for example, the wards for cancer patients?
    Why are these mega churches so at odds with the words of Christ in the gospels of Matthew and John – that He regarded private prayer was the sincerest sign of devotion. Jesus admonished a man praying with great fanfare in the town square.
    And with their unwavering support from evangelicals for Trump and his very dangerous and entirely disingenuous movement, it makes one wonder, without specifically naming any one mega church, whether a key part of the definition of evangelical is in fact “racist”.
    I’m a Christian, but I find these mega churches hypocritical. Further their follower’s belief that they, the devout yet manipulated, have been blessed with the power to perform miraculous healing to be both conceited and blasphemous.
    On the other hand I believe the smug ways in which people like Richard Dawkins dismiss each and everyone’s faith to also be a conceit and also condescending.
    My faith helps me deal with the immense pain of disease. I pray for the strength to go on, and it is of comfort to me.
    The actions of many pastors of evangelical mega churches is better summed up as hubris.

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