Bethel Church Selling a “Declaration Clicker” to Track ‘Faith Increases’

Bethel church in Redding California is no stranger to selling spiritual swag. Led by Bill and Beni Johnson, the 10,000-member megachurch has a ready audience eager to buy their wares, anything from beanies to stuffed bears to highlighters to Bluetooth speakers wearing their insignia. In fact, most big name figures there have their own “collections” with Bethel Music, Sozo Ministries, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and Steve Backlund having their own splash pages.
Backlund runs Ignite Hope Ministries, and along with selling his books on how to activate and Holy Spirit and having a joyous mindset, he is offering a “declaration clicker” for the low price of 10$

What the heck is that? According to the description:
The Igniting Hope Ministries declarations “clicker” (tally counter) is a powerful and practical tool to help believers renew their minds with truth by helping them tabulate the number of times they speak biblically based declarations. Bill Johnson has said that “physical obedience brings spiritual release.” Many have found that the physical act of clicking a tally counter while speaking declarations dramatically increases faith in the truth being spoken. As you augment what you speak with the declarations clicker, you will transform what you believe, which will ultimately change what you experience in life (Romans 12:2). Start renewing your mind with your words of hope today and watch your life be transformed!
Bethel church even provides a helpful explanation on how to use it. They tell owners of this crafty little device to “Give yourself a click on your declarations clicker for every declaration of truth you speak.” with some suggestions for best practice.
- Conduct a 30-Day Declarations Experiment. See what happens to your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and circumstances by intentionally speaking truth for a month straight. We suggest speaking at least 100 declarations over your life a day for 30 days and using your clicker to keep track. Many have done this and have sent Igniting Hope Ministries incredible testimonies.
- Exchange Lies for God’s Truth. Next time you find yourself believing a lie from the enemy, catch it and exchange it for truth. If you hear, “I am worthless,” intentionally declare the truth instead, such as, “I am a chosen, set-apart, beloved child of God!” Then, give your declarations clicker a “click.”
Nowhere in the scripture are we told to decree and declare things over ourselves in order to have them come to pass. Rather, we ask God and he gives according to his providence and good will, according to his decree, not ours.
Thanks for the heads up. I’m getting one. …8Tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.
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