Progressives Wail and Gnash Their Teeth After SBC Pastor is Caught Taking Pictures with John MacArthur

Critics of John MacArthur found themselves hurt, upset, and all-around emotionally apoplectic after progressive SBC pastor Dwight Mckissic was seen taking a picture with him at the Conservative Baptist Network event in Anaheim, the day before the SBC convention.

Framing it as a complete betrayal of sexual abuse victims (on account of widely discredited reporting by Julie Roys that JMac somehow was complicit in abuse coverup) and…uh…apparently women in general, the vast majority of McKissic’s fans and friends voiced their deep displeasure of the incident, tweeting out.

Naturally, Kyle J Howard had to get in on the action, resulting in him being even further traumatized by the turn of events and casting it as a betrayal.

You live by the wokescold, you die by the wokescold

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3 thoughts on “Progressives Wail and Gnash Their Teeth After SBC Pastor is Caught Taking Pictures with John MacArthur

  1. “… a guy who protects abusers and excommunicates the women … ”

    They continue to intentionally reverse the order of events by several years, in order to sell a false narrative.

    Does their Bible not contain a 9th Commandment?

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