Karen Swallow Prior Pushes Leftist Policy Support As Pro-Life Standard

Photo from (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
Karen Swallow Prior, the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary English professor who was recently implicated in the SBC scandal that involved the unauthorized leak of Tom and Jennifer Buck’s testimony is back in the news. Instead of going to a Christian Publication to argue her position on abortion, Prior decided to air her complaints about conservative pro-lifers to the pagans at the Washington Compost, in a feature article that spotlighted Prior’s twisted take on what it means to be pro-life. Apparently, the best way for members of Big-Eva to win the optics war against conservatives is to smear their opponents in the secular press.
The article claims that Prior was “shocked and thrilled” with the idea that Roe could be overturned, but quickly realized that the issue of being pro-life is more complicated than just being against abortion.
For Prior, it means much more than overturning Roe. It means more support for child care and pregnant women as well as supporting sex abuse victims, vaccinating as many people as possible against the coronavirus, and helping start and run an inner-city high school in Buffalo.
While most pro-lifers would agree that being pro-life also involves the churches’ work to help pregnant women who are in need, Prior wants the pro-life movement to be a conduit to force churches and conservative Christians to support a never-ending clown car of leftist social programs that have nothing to do with Christianity, the Gospel, or even loving your neighbor. According to Prior, becoming a Karen and insisting on the Covid shot is part of being pro-life. Supporting public child care, the expansion of the nanny-state is apparently also an important part of being pro-life. In recent public debates, Prior has also called for addressing gun-control and racial injustice as pro-life issues.

Prior is disappointed that Roe won’t be overturned under her idyllic set of circumstances. She continues to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and participates in many of the delusions of the “me too” movement.
In her mind all these years, she had pictured Roe ending, under “a truly conservative president who believed out of conviction that abortion was wrong and that there would be justices who weren’t accused of sexual assault.
Ironically, Prior, who is more involved in both Southern Baptist politics and secular politics than most church-going pro-lifers, believes that pro-lifers have made politics an idol.
Prior realized that she no longer put so much faith in politics. To antiabortion activists, politics “has become an idol and we are reaping the consequences for that,” she said.
Perhaps Prior should do some soul searching and take a good look in the mirror, because no one is more political than the woman that allows herself to be referred to as Notorious KSP, in deference to leftist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Notorious RBG) whose death paved the way for the conservative Trump-appointed justices who appear poised to strike down Roe.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown for Protestia
She’s been breathing in her own CO2 for too long. I swear I just shake my head when I see the idiots who still wear the masks that do NOTHING. Family in the church I play at all were jabbed multiple times and masked including the young 9 year old. Well, 9 year old test positive. You could hear the shudders go through the small church. I wanted to stand up and say “does she have any symptoms beyond a bad cold or flu?” No one buying into this evil plot ever asks that question.
This is a recycling of the “seamless garment” nonsense from Ron Sider, Tony Campolo, and the like back in the ’80s, when to be pro-life meant that you had to support disarmament, a nuclear freeze, etc. They’re still around to wreak havoc, and are now being joined by KSP and her ilk.