SBC Prez. Candidate Tom Ascol Blasts Sex Abuse Task Force Over Mishandling Blackmail Case

(Capstone report) Tom Ascol details how Ed Litton’s Sex Abuse Task Force politicized its entire process. He explains how the Task Force bungled its handling of the attempt to blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck.
Ascol: ‘Jennifer Buck deserves the exact same kind of care that we say as a convention we want to extend to those who have been sexually abused. Yet, she has not received that and I am grieved over that.’
Disgraced SBC President Ed Litton’s handpicked Sex Abuse Task Force bungled its handling of the SBC attack on abuse victims Tom and Jennifer Buck and Tom Ascol blasted the chairman of the task force Bruce Frank in a powerful comment during an SBC candidate forum this week.
“I do have some concerns that this process has been politicized,” Dr. Tom Ascol said.
This is true. The process is political. As we’ve pointed out Ed Litton’s personal choice to lead the Sex Abuse Task Force is biased and has repeatedly made clear it detests the Conservative Baptist Network.
And Ascol has specifics in mind—like how Sex Abuse Task Force leader acted in the case of Willy Rice as compared to the task force’s actions in the blackmail attempt against Tom and Jennifer Buck. First, Ascol explains the background of the attempt among SBC leadership to blackmail Tom Buck.
“A case in point is what is going on in a church not far from here—about 50 miles from here, First Baptist Church of…to continue reading click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report.