Video: Church Crucifies Iron Man on Stage For ‘Avengers’ Easter Sermon

Church of the Rock in Winnipeg, led by pastor Mark Hughes, is known for its unique easter sermons, interpreting the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord of glory as Hollywood blockbusters, ranging from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, to Toy Story, Star Wars, Tombstone, Indiana Jones, Robin Hood, Back to the Future, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Avengers. In fact, Dissenter covered their latest easter sermon, which was Jesus as told via The Lion King.

In 2018, the church also told the Easter story using The Avengers story, with Loki playing the role of Satan and Iron Man Jesus, who gets crucified on stage, featuring the devil singing REM’s – It’s The End Of The World As We Know It and Jesus Chumbawumba’s Tubthumping (“I get knocked down, but I get up again, You are never gonna keep me down.”)
Also pastor Hughes dresses up like a superhero while he preached the subsequent message- so there’s that too.
It’s a bizarre spectacle. The church has taken down the YouTube video and turned it private before we could save it, but we managed to locate different snippets of it, stitched together and featured here for your pleasure.
When the bible isn’t enough, nothing is ever enough.
One idea—and I’m just spitballing here—is to tell the ACTUAL resurrection story. Just an idea. Probably too “boring” for most pagans.
It’s not like the gospel is the “power of God unto salvation” or anything.
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But hey they couldn’t get the Marvel or DC comparison right… So why not crucify Tony stark…. It’s the logical next step for apostasy…