Steven Furtick Says Jesus’ Death on the Cross Was Basically a Gimmick Because He is ‘Sneaky’

(Reformation Charlotte) The Scripture tells us that Jesus’ death on the cross was victorious because he took the punishment that sinners deserved and died in their place, and rose on the third day defeating sin and death for all who would repent and believe in Him. But leave it to Steven Furtick to completely make something up and paint an entirely different gospel altogether.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. —Galatians 1:8

The gospel according to Steven Furtick says that Jesus’ death was basically a ruse to fool people because He is “sneaky” and couldn’t “bring victory into the earth looking like victory.” Instead, Furtick says, he had to “dress it up like death and hang it on a cross because He’s sneaky.”

First off, saying that Jesus is “sneaky” is to imply that Jesus is somehow dishonest. The Scriptures describe Jesus in a lot of ways, but “sneaky” or dishonest is never one of them. The Scriptures…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

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3 thoughts on “Steven Furtick Says Jesus’ Death on the Cross Was Basically a Gimmick Because He is ‘Sneaky’

  1. Steven is using the same narrative as muslims without the courtesy of giving them the credit for the idea.

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  3. Furtick is another fine product of Southern seminary here in Charlotte. It’s funny how they haven’t disowned him or tried to withdraw his degree. Maybe they approve of his heresies. It would be interesting if someone wrote a biography of him to see if he had a history of confidence schemes.

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