Episcopal Priest Promotes Interfaith Dialogue on Religion and Psychedelics

The Episcopal Church has been experiencing a long slow death for quite some time. The denomination has lost more than 12 percent of its members in a single year. As the Episcopal Church continues to embrace moral relativism and pluralism within the body, most members with orthodox theology have departed from the church, leaving behind a cesspool of putrid stagnation that would rather rejoice in every kind of debauchery than mine the deep riches of scripture for the true Gospel of Jesus.
Protestia previously reported on a Bishop who was declared an apostate for refusing to perform a sodomite wedding. Unsatisfied with sexual immorality in their body, some priests have begun advocating for the use of psychedelic drugs as a means to encounter God.
Reverend Hunt Priest, an Episcopal Priest and founder of Ligare, A “Christian” Psychedelic Society promotes psychedelics on the basis of a gross misinterpretation of 1 Timothy 4:4-5.

Christians know that God created all things, but we also have a clear understanding that evil exists in the world, and sinful man is prone to using created things for evil purposes. The context of 1 Timothy 4:4-5 pertains to Paul’s opposition to a heretical ascetic element in the church that forbids marriage and the consumption of some types of food, on the basis that those things are evil. God’s word at the time of Paul’s letter clearly declared that marriage and the consumption of unclean foods was blessed by God. What Hunt, and many others have done is twist this concept found in scripture, declaring that any action of man, no matter how evil and contrary to God’s moral law, can be dunked in a ceremonial baptism of thanksgiving and prayer that renders it blessed by God. Such a philosophy declares sanctification and blessing on such evil deeds as infanticide, sodomy, and drug-induced drunkenness.
Not content with merely pursuing false teaching in the context of the church, Hunt participates in interfaith dialogues on the use of psychedelic drugs. The Chacruna Institute Forum for Psychedelic plant medicines will host Hunt as a member of its Unity and Difference: Abrahamic Interfaith Dialogue. The interfaith panel will discuss “how an increasing number of Jewish, Christian and even Muslim practitioners are using psychedelics as a tool to re-invigorate and connect to the spiritual core within their own particular traditions.”
Additional topics of this year’s forum include “Psychedelics, Paganism, and New Earth Religions”, “Psychedelics, Ancestors, and Healing Justice”, and “Psychedelics and a Critique of Eurochristian Religion”.
Previous Chacruna forums have included a range of woke topics ranging from Queering Psychedelics to Psychedelic Anti-colonialism. Hunt should fit well in this far-out forum of pagans, heretics, quacks, and the mentally ill.
I worked in an episcopal church for almost 3 years. They are heretics. The last community Thanksgiving service I felt I should not be a part of when asked if I could participate. Thankfully, I said no. They had wiccans, buddhists, universalists, and other evil groups processing into the sanctuary and laying their stuff on the altar. I was told not long before I left by a church member “most people think like you and I.” I answered back “then why are you there?!” He didn’t have an answer and he is still there. It is just sad. As John MacArthur said recently, one day people are going to be awakening to see that some are “saints” and other “ain’ts.”
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