Pope Remove Cross from Stage To Avoid Offending Muslims

Photo by Ashwin Vaswani on Unsplash
Last we wrote about Pope Francis, he was calling BLM Rioters ‘Social Poets’ and ‘Collective Samaritans’ For Protesting the Racist Death of George Floyd during a video call at the World Meeting of Popular Movements, where the chief papist insisted on universal basic income, praised the BLM rioters as ‘social poets’ while insisting their demonstrations were keeping Geoge Floyd’s legacy alive in a way that is akin to the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’.
Typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, instituting ‘vaccine ‘passports’ at Vatican City, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.
Now, the man who occupies the chair of the Antichrist gave us another brief flash of his cowardice and simpish ecumenism over the weekend, on account of requesting organizers at an event he was speaking at to remove a crucifix from the papal podium, in order not to offend illegal Muslim migrants, with the Free-Republic reporting, based on comments made from the official Archdiocese of Malta’s page:
Organizers canceled the crucifix from the papal podium because Pope Francis did not want to offend illegal Muslim migrants during the climax of his Malta trip.
Instead, recycled plastic bottles with red blobs were used to design the backdrop for the pope’s address to migrants at the John XXIII Peace Lab in Ħal-Far on Saturday, a voluntary organization run by leftist Franciscan friar Fr. Dionysius Mintoff.
“When you look deeper, you will see that the sea is made of recycled plastic bottles, because there is more plastic than fish in our sea. And the red blobs are life jackets — the lives of people lost at sea,” artistic director Carlo Schembri explained.
Schembri, who was commissioned to design the key backdrops for the papal visit to Malta, insisted he was being faithful to Francis’ primary reason for visiting the island — to defend migrants and the ecology.
“The podium will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are Muslim,” the Malta archdiocese noted, in an article published on its website, adding that “the pontiff’s visit is expected to draw attention to the brutal situation of Malta’s migrant community.”
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