Christian Artist ‘Rend Collective’ Has More than Just a Trans Problem: An Investigation

Two days ago we told you about how Chris Llewellyn, frontman and lead singer of the well-known Christian Rock/ Worship Band The Rend Collective showed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the question of whether or not we should bow to our culture’s confusion on transgendered pronouns, telling Kris Valloton on Instagram:
“However you feel about the implications for sports (a wider conversation for sure) Calling a trans woman a man is hateful. Unkind. Don’t participate in this kind of hate speech. History won’t be kind to you.”
This was a surprise to many, as his public lyrics are at odd with his wretched theology and worldview. Upon digging into it further, we found that Llewellyn has some deep-seated problems, all of which likely stem from the deconstruction of his faith he’s widely acknowledged he’s undergone in the last 10 years, explaining: “When I started asking big bold questions about who God is, they warned me I was losing my faith. NOPE. I was finding the wonder all over again.” Here are a few of the many red flags we found:
While Llewellyn is not at this point overtly and publicly professing that he personally believes that being an unrepentant homosexual is not a sin, he sure comes close. Writing on his Storied Substack and responding to someone who said homosexuality was sinful:
It seems that your position is that all LGBTQ expression is sinful and that there is no room for doubt about that. Fair enough. There’s room for that.
What I’m saying is that I think there is room for conversation around what is sinful and what is not. There always has been.
For example the church used to think the movie theatre, tattoos, dancing and consuming any quantity of alcohol were sins. A lot of people felt the Bible was ultra clear on these things. But there was room for debate here – within the church.
“The ancient creeds, such as the Apostles’ Creed were designed as benchmarks to define the beliefs that qualify someone as Christian— and not a one of them mentions having a concrete stance either way on the inclusion and affirmation of the LGBTQ community as one of those critical beliefs.
Jesus doesn’t touch on the issue one time in four gospels worth of reporting. That’s not to say that he doesn’t care about the conversation. But He certainly didn’t make it the focal point of what it means to be a disciple. (Things like: love for the outsider, and unity among believers seemed to be the priority over hot takes on hot button issues….
Wherever you eventually land, I’m not sure it matters as much as we’ve been conditioned to think.
It’s not a deal breaker.
It’s my belief that there is room for diversity of opinion on this within the capital C Church.
In response to a completely orthodox post about how God designed sex between a man and a woman only:

What is a sad thing, exactly?


Several times within his page, Llewellyn recommends reading Rob Bell’s ‘Love Win’ which is basically a belief in radical inclusivity, and that all people will be saved in the end.
The Bible
As part of his deconstruction, Llewellyn believes that the bible is inspired by God, it’s just not inerrant, infallible or completely true in all it says. This is why they repeatedly recommend How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns. Enns is a raging heretic/ pagan who believes that the scriptures are full of lies, falsities, fables and myths, all the while claiming he’s a Christian. Being one of their ‘favorite’ authors, the Llewellyns covered him as part of their book club a while back.
Llewellyn recently wrote on Instagram:
So when Christians want to win an argument, sometimes they say the sentence “The bible is very clear that…”. Is it though? Or is it a book that’s written in languages we don’t understand, by people whose culture and context we don’t understand, about a God whose text says we can’t fully understand? I prefer to think of the bible as beautiful and useful and God-breathed, those are claims it makes about itself. I love reading it every day, but ‘clear’ it ain’t.
This recommended reading list of books they love: basically self-explanatory.

In short, the frontman for Rend Collective is messed up theologically, yet in his deconstructed state, believes he’s closer to God than ever.
I figured that Rachel Helled Evans would end up in that post. She was a big Peter Enns fan. And that’s an indictment of Wright and Keller to be on their list! I know those guys aren’t as bad as Evans, Enns, Bell, et al, but that’s not a good look for them.
Guilty by association doesn’t really work. After all, everyone on that list probably owns a Bible
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The old “Jesus never mentioned it” argument. SMH
You’re trying to tell me the only sins in existence are those that Jesus specifically addressed as recorded in the Gospels?
You’re trying to tell me God the Father and God the Son are in disagreement on everything Jesus didn’t specifically mention?
That’s two simple yes or no questions.
If you answer “no” then what are you trying to tell me? – that you have the divine authority to tell the rest of us which are and are not sins, beyond those which Jesus specifically mentioned?
If you answer “yes” then you’re going to find yourself at the pointy end of the same sword you wield – don’t think about trying to accuse anyone else of any sins that Jesus didn’t specifically mention (and there are many He didn’t specifically mention)
It’s a nonsensical argument. If I weren’t such a nice guy, I’d flat-out call it stupid – because it’s stupid.
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In other words Chris Llewellyn is a normal Christian and y’all are Qanon hate speech advocates
YES!!! Go Christian Progressives!!!
No, Johnny. it means that Llewellyn is greatly compromised as a Christian. To be Christian is to believe in the Bible – the one book that is foundational in recording Jesus Christ’s life, ministry & message (i.e. the Gospel).
And, it has nothing to do with politics (“Qanon” or otherwise); to declare it as such is very prejudice & myopic.
This whole article is sad to me. I do not see any love in tearing someone apart. There is room for diversity and debate. I feel sorry for those who cannot look outside of themselves and see that maybe, just maybe we do not have all the answers.
Protestia is run by hateful bigots who violate Romans 13. They are domestic terrorists. Report them to FBI
God Almighty has the answers. And those are found in His Word.
End of debate.
God Almighty is infinitely supreme. He rules and He alone. It’s not a democracy. You don’t debate with God almighty. You can try to debate Him, and tell Him that His Word is wrong, if you want, until you’re blue in the face, kicking against the pricks until your feet bleed, but don’t expect the rest of us to engage.
I’m not trying to be mean to you, Mik. But it’s not about who or which of us has the answers. It’s about recognizing that we don’t have the answers. That’s why we go to God’s Word. And that is where Mr. Llewellyn has gone wrong. When he should’ve gone to God’s Word in search of answers, he instead decided to reject it and “deconstruct” – as if he could possibly find the answers himself.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Prov 3:5-6
He is leading people astray. He is encouraging people on a path that leads to eternal damnation (1 Cor. 6:9-11). He chose to do it. And He should be called out and rebuked. Beyond that, parents need to know this information, as it pertains to what music they let their children listen to, which artists they follow, and so on – and that alone is good reason enough to publish it.
He never said that being transgender was a sin, you’re just thinking about what He said about crossdressing.
theres a very small difference, but it’ large enough to save a lot of people, and the number keeps growing. I might even join that list
That’s lovely that they’re clearly Progressive Christians. I’m one too. We should love thy neighbour and remember that God made us all in HIS image. 😉
I too think we should love everyone. But when God created us in His image, didn’t He also make us male and female? And if He’s who made us this way, is it really for us to deny that and choose our own male or female identifications instead?
Jesus pointed to the beginning (Genesis) when He talked about marriage; I imagine because He was there. Though I wasn’t, I would like to do the same. I encourage you to look back there.
Love everyone, yes. But stand up for God’s designs over your own and over the current culture’s.
No, Johnny. it means that Llewellyn is greatly compromised as a Christian. To be Christian is to believe in the Bible – the one book that is foundational in recording Jesus Christ’s life, ministry & message (i.e. the Gospel).
And, it has nothing to do with politics (“Qanon” or otherwise); to declare it as such is very prejudice & myopic.