Podcast: Tom Buck Should Run for SBC Prez, Racism Against Voddie Baucham + Scars from Fighting the Good Fight

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 7th, 2022, JD throws down the gauntlet in support of Tom Buck running for SBC president, discusses how Willy Rice is a client of Docent just like the guys he’s running to replace, , and talks about the racism displayed by woke evangelicals who are freaking out about a potential Voddie Bacham nomination. In the patron portion, we answer a question about Elizabeth Elliot and talk about the scars Christians get when they fight the good fight.

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2 thoughts on “Podcast: Tom Buck Should Run for SBC Prez, Racism Against Voddie Baucham + Scars from Fighting the Good Fight

  1. Hey Protestia,

    Thanks for all your work over the years. I don’t agree with everything for sure, but I certainly don’t agree with Big eva about everything either. On this article about Tom Buck and the SBC, I opened this page and stepped away from my laptop. I came back a few minutes later and at the top of the page I found a black and white photo of a young cute lady with eyes closed in a suggestive position in the banner with the text below –
    Be Unapologetically Sexy
    So now, it’s time to feel shamelessly feminine and glamorous.

    Hmmmmm… I know that we all got to make a buck 😉 but this is off putting a best and will lead other men to lust and sin. Just a heads up. Not a clue if this is like a regional thing or you can control this. I know youtube ads are weird and sometimes the most rude and off putting ads come up. I know this is not something I or my wife use since I have never even heard of the site.

    Anyway, keep up the good work

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