Woke Pastor Calls for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere”

(Woke Preacher Clips) Léonce Crump of Renovation Church calls for “redistribution of power and resources” in a June 2020 panel discussion at the Atlanta-area New Mercies Christian Church. Crump says this in response to a question from moderator Justin Giboney about “practical steps” for Christians to take after the antiracism protests of summer 2020. Lee Jenkins, pastor of Eagles Nest Church, co-signs Crump’s statement, though neither of them offer specific demands. (Editor’s Note. Crump is Lecrae’s pastor, and a while ago he argued Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations.)

LEONCE CRUMP: There needs to be, in my opinion, a redistribution of power and resources in the large evangelical church sphere. I’m done.

JUSTIN GIBONEY: So, anyone else? Pastor Lee looks like he might have.

LEE JENKINS: Well, I agree with that. There does need to be a redistribution of power and resources, but one of the ways to make that happen is we have to get involved. We have been speaking and protesting from afar. In sports we call it, we need to stop being spectators and we need to get into the game, which means as pastors we need to understand the world of politics more. We need to train future politicians. We need to run for city council. I mean, we got to get on the field and get involved. And so, I think the church, we haven’t talked about that a whole lot, but I just think it is time that we should be a training center for sending people out into the world to be salt and light to the earth. GIBONEY: That’s powerful.

Editor’s Note. This article is a WPC YouTube Video put into post form.

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5 thoughts on “Woke Pastor Calls for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere”

  1. “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” Matthew 8:19–20; Luke 9:57–58
    “For they tie together heavy packs that are impossible to carry. They put them on the shoulders of others, but are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.” Matthew 23:4
    Wonder how many square feet his homes are and what types of cars he owns.
    This is NOT what Jesus’ Gospel was.
    His gospel was that we are all lacking, spiritually. There was someone like this fellow in Acts 8, who wanted the Holy Spirit’s power to become rich. Simon the sorcerer.

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