‘Abolition Now’ Conference Kicks off This Weekend, Culminating with ‘Abolition Day’ on the 8th

In what is fast becoming one of the most serious, culture-changing conferences in America, abortion abolitionists from Oklahoma are gearing up for Abolition Now 2022 – a three-day conference of teaching centered around engaging legislators and communities with the message of Biblical abolitionism, with the 4th day being Abolition Day.

Speakers at the event will include former Oklahoma Baptists President Dr. Blake Gideon, John Speed, Senator Joseph Silk, Pastors Bill Ascol, Chris Gore, Brett Baggett, Dusty Deevers, Sam Ketcher and C.R. Cali, and Free the States’ Russell Hunter, James Silberman and Sam Riley. (Several of these men were instrumental in getting the infamous Abolishing Abortion Resolution passed at the SBC 2021 convention.)

The conference kicks off Saturday, February 5 with a full day of presentations from abolitionist leaders on topics such as  “The Heterodoxy of the Pro-Life Movement” and “Abolition and The Existence of God”. Interspersed will be a time of street ministry activism, such as visiting an abortion clinic or engaging people in the public square.

Sunday the 6th is a church service, along with more on-the-street activism and more talks, including “Repentance Precedes Revival’ and “Effectively Engaging Legislators.” There will also be post-abortion testimonies, repentance and a panel discussion.

Monday the 7th has more worship, along with talks like “The Role of Civil Government”, “Moral Increments” Vs. Repentance” and “Confessions of a Smashmouth Incrementalist.’. Attendees will also be heading to Capitol Hill to lobby, protest, and engage in outreach.

Tuesday the 8th is Abolition Day, featuring a massive rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol, and the concluding with more fellowship, street engagement, and talks such as “Abolition and The Immutability of God” and “Abolition’s Axe.”

A few hundred will attend the conference and a few thousand will be at the rally. Of note is how many pastors will be speaking and how many churches will be involved. Compared to early abolitionist conferences, this one is unique for the active and involvement of Oklahoma churches.

Oklahoma is widely considered the most pro-life state in the U.S. Republicans have a supermajority in both the House and Senate in Oklahoma. Of the 48 seats in the State Senate, 39 are held by Republicans and 9 by Democrats, meaning that over 80% of the senators are Republicans.  In the House, the GOP clobbers the Democrats 77 to 24.

Furthermore, Oklahoma has a professing Republican pro-life Governor, a Republican pro-life Lieutenant Governor, a Republican pro-life President Pro Tem of the Senate, and a Republican pro-life majority floor leader. 

Despite this, hardly anyone in the government is actually interested in abolishing abortion in the state, with the issue being tossed around like a political football in order to score political points and accrue fundraising dollars, all the while pro-life politicians crush and destroy abolition bills.

For this reason, it’s not progressives and Democrat politicians who stand in the way – they have absolutely no power to stop it. Rather, bills like SB13, and now SB495 have for years been opposed by pro-life politicians and even pro-life organizations such as National Right to Life and religious leaders like former Southern Baptist Convention president JD Greear, who has publicly opposed the legislation.

This is why events like Abolition Day are so important, because they expose the hypocrisy of professing pro-life politicians and the pro-life movement, and instead and seek to rally the citizenry for change and to love their pre-born neighbors.

While the conference part requires payment and registration, which can still be signed up for, the rally on the 8th is free and can be attended by anyone wanting to declare their hatred for abortion and a commitment to the goals and ideology of abolition.

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4 thoughts on “‘Abolition Now’ Conference Kicks off This Weekend, Culminating with ‘Abolition Day’ on the 8th

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