Pope Francis: Never Condemn Your Homosexual Child

Photo: Guglielmo Mangiapane

Pope Francis continues to be a nightmare for Roman Catholic Apologists, many of who have become apoplectic at trying to justify his many unbiblical statements on homosexuality. When he’s not busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion, or releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement, he is endorsing civil unions for gay couples and making comments downplaying the sin of sodomy.

The corrupt Pontiff previously explained his approach to civil unions:

Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. What we have to have is a civil union law.  That way they are legally covered.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

In 2013, he told a reporter “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?” and just a few years ago, told a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.”  [Editor’s note: I agree with the initial statement, but I also know that God loves us far too much to let us stay the way we are and requires sanctification for all His people.]

Now, in comments that come just days after 125 gay Roman Catholic priests staged a massive ‘coming-out’ event in Germany, speaking before a general audience on Wednesday, He released a homily about the virtues of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, and how people should pray to him for intercession, writing:

At this moment I am thinking of so many people who are crushed by the weight of life and can no longer hope or pray. May Saint Joseph help them to open themselves to dialogue with God so that they may find light, strength, and peace. And I am thinking, too, of parents who are facing their children’s problems: children with many illnesses, children who are sick, even with permanent illnesses — how much pain is there — parents who see different sexual orientations in their children; how to deal with this and accompany their children and not hide in an attitude of condemnation. Parents who see their children leave, who die because of an illness, and also — even sadder, we read about it every day in the newspapers — teenagers who get into childish mischief and end up in car accidents. Parents who see their children not progressing in school and do not know what to do…so many parental problems. Let us think about how to help them. And to these parents I say: do not be afraid. Yes, there is pain. A lot. But think about how Joseph solved problems and ask Joseph to help you. Never condemn a child.

…Joseph prayed, worked, and loved — three beautiful things for parents: to pray, to work, and to love — and because of this, he always received what he needed to face life’s trials. Let us entrust ourselves to him and to his intercession.

Of course, it is incumbent upon parents to love their children, of course. But parents, whether their children are 12 or 20, should never fail to condemn homosexuality as a sin. This is particularly true with parents whose children are no longer dependent on them, despite what Pastor James Merritt may say to the contrary. Sin ought to be condemned, and those engaging in it ought to be confronted, even if they are your own children.

There is a way to approach homosexual children that is loving, merciful, fair and firm. For the Pope though, he has no idea what that would be.

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6 thoughts on “Pope Francis: Never Condemn Your Homosexual Child

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  3. These godless apostates need to get together and just make a list of sins that are to be affirmed, supported, and endorsed, and those that are not, so we know where they stand, since they don’t care what God’s Word has to say, and apparently believe they have taken His place.

    1. Agreed. I feel sorry for devout Catholics who value God’s Word – this pope has proven to be nothing less than evil.

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