Prominent ‘Conservative’ Egalitarian Refuses to Affirm Inerrancy

Denny Burk found himself in a bit of a verbal scrap with Beth Allison Barr over the use (and perhaps the concept) of Innerancy, with Burke pushing for her to affirm it, and Barr affirming everything but.
Barr is Professor of European Women, Medieval & Early Modern England, and Church History Baylor University and author of the best-selling book The Making of Biblical Womanhood, which seeks to refute the complementarian position and challenge the notion of ‘biblical womanhood’ is in fact biblical.
For her part, she argues that the term ‘inerrancy” has been ‘weaponized’ and therefore refuses to affirm it, which is a strange take, given that lots of things in scripture have been weaponized at one point or another, and yet are still held to.
Rather than trying to assuage his concerns and saying something like ‘I believe in the inerrancy, but I prefer to use other words that are equally strong’, Barr will not affirm it for the life of her, squirmingly wanting to affirm a host of good and similar/ peripheral points, but not the one that matters.
It’s reminiscent of a Oneness Pentecostal trying to argue that he believes affirms that Jesus is the savior and the son of God, while refusing to comment on Christ’s pre-existence and dodging questions about the Athanasian Creed.
As Burk doggedly holds her feet to the fire, he doesn’t let go until the skin sizzles and her toes burst like sausages.

When progressive “Christian” women go off the rails they don’t mess around. What incredible destruction they leave in their wake.
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Double minded and therefore obviously not worthy of teaching.
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She is free to believe whatever she wants. What is unacceptable is the hypocrisy, just come as a liberal and go join the UMC