OK Baptists Become 4th SBC Convention to Pass Resolution Calling for the Immediate Abolition of Abortion

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(Free the States) On Tuesday, Oklahoma Baptists became the fourth Southern Baptists state convention this year to pass a resolution calling for the immediate abolition of abortion following Arkansas, South Carolina, Utah-Idaho. All of these follow the Resolution on Abolishing Abortion passed by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in June.
The Oklahoma resolution reaffirmed the language passed by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019, and the SBC resolution from this summer. Below is the language of the resolution with amendments added during the discussion process in bold.
We, the messengers to the 2021 Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Baptists, meeting at Southern Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 15-16, 2021, believe in the sanctity of human life beginning at conception, that every person—preborn, born and unborn — is created in God’s image and deserves life. We echo and underscore the emphatic resolutions on ending abortion previously approved by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019 and by Southern Baptist messengers in June of 2021, both of which called for the immediate end, the abolition of abortion, without exception or compromise. With God’s grace, we work to see a day in which every unborn child in Oklahoma and America is protected and valued.
The most important amendment is the final one — making clear that what is being called for is the immediate abolition of abortion. Blake Gideon, the convention’s immediate past president, offered the amendment, saying to the Committee and the convention:
“I know you’ve wrestled with this issue and I appreciate you very much. But I would like to call for clarity and strength in this resolution… One of the things I love about the Bible is the clarity and strength of scripture. I believe that our resolutions need to not only be scriptural, I believe they also need to reflect the tone of scripture. That is the purpose for this amendment…
“The 2019 resolution was a call for the immediate end of abortion, which was passed by this body. The resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention was on the abolishment of abortion, which was passed by the Southern Baptist Convention. All we’re asking is for this resolution to reflect what the intent of those two resolutions were: the immediate end and the abolition of abortion. You could read this resolution and not come to that conclusion if you’re not familiar with [the previous resolutions].
“We live in a day where there’s a culture of death all around us, and we can’t tiptoe around issues. We must be clear and we must be strong. 20 children today will be murdered in the state of Oklahoma.”
Gideon’s amendment was not received as friendly by the Resolutions Committee. The language did nothing but spell out more clearly the obvious implications of the…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States. Title changed by Protestia
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