The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says If You Don’t Believe in Social Justice, You’re a Heretic

(Reformation Charlotte) Justin Giboney, a co-founder of the social Marxist organization known as the AND Campaign and a prominent The Gospel Coalition (TGC) contributor, says that a rejection of redemptive social justice is a rejection of orthodoxy. To phrase this in simpler terms, Giboney is essentially saying that unless you’re on board with the Marxist oppressor/oppressed ideology and its tenets of class warfare, you’re a heretic.

Yep, he said that–out loud.

He goes on to suggest that…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

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14 thoughts on “The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says If You Don’t Believe in Social Justice, You’re a Heretic

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    1. I’m particularly interested in the scriptures that say one’s goodness is dependent on the darkness of their skin, and that those with lighter skin are compelled to give what God has given them to those with darker skin. I’m also interested in the scriptures that compel us to become marxist, putting putting the government in God’s place, such that the government may decide who gets what and why. And am very interested in the scriptures that say we must do all of this based on statistics showing apparent disparities that may – may – may remotely, possibly, could be, maybe, might be the result of systemic racism, but also could be the result of many, many other factors such as work ethic, individual choice, and so on, and using those statistical tricks we must collectively bear blanket false witness against all individuals in groups that we have defined (but that God’s Word didn’t define) who did absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, and committed no sin against you or anyone else because of the color of their skin.

      For that matter, just show me one scripture anywhere that refers to skin color at all, in a manner that it has any significance or anything is dependent on it whatsoever. The only scripture I know of that refers to skin color, anywhere in God’s Word, is in the Song of Solomon in reference to his wife.

      1. And notice how silent they are on even bringing up the name Martin Luther King, Jr. I’m primarily focused on his march on Washington speech. His name is now even forboten.

    2. I’m almost inclined to start calling this the “jumping-to-conclusions generation”

      Such unsubstantiated dictates are kinda the problem there Mr. Giboney. Show your work. Show us how the Bible demands everything of us that the current “social justice” movement demands.

      Show us how right and wrong are not that which God’s Word says is right and wrong, and that sin is not something committed by individuals by which individuals are held accountable, but that right and wrong is determined by one’s membership in an infinitude of various allegedly disparate groups defined by mankind, and that one’s righteousness is determined by the number of such groups in which they are a member.

      My Bible doesn’t contain any of the mess touted by the “social justice” movement, as far as I know, and I’ve been reading and studying it for half a century. But I’m a reasonable man. You’re welcome to show me the scriptures Mr. Giboney.

    3. While you’re at it, Mr. Giboney, please explain why we are compelled to bear false witness, steal, destroy the property of others, physically harm others, and kill others just because terrible things were done to our ancestors.

      I’m particularly interested in that one, considering terrible things were done to everyone’s ancestors, including mine. Heck, I might travel to the nearest “social justice” progressive city and loot myself a new big screen TV. After all, God commands it, right?

    4. Or just show me the scripture that says right and wrong are defined by how you feel. And if you feel bad, feel hurt, feel frustrated, feel angry, feel oppressed, feel like something isn’t fair, feel like you’re being kept down, don’t feel included, etc. then it’s ok to sin all you want, harm others all you want, take it out on people you don’t even know who had nothing to do with whatever is bothering you, and so on.

      Where’s that scripture? Where’s the scripture that says God commands us to rely on and act out on such feelings?

      Again, I’d like to know – because EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET has those same feelings, and has had bad things happen to them that seem unfair, sometimes actually so but often not. Please let me know, as I need to get there before all the good TVs are gone, and I want to do what God says to do. Thanks.

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