One Year Later, Still No Report From GRACE on Sexual Abuse Allegations from CCM Musician

A year ago to the day, Tates Creek Presbyterian Church in Lexington, KY released a public statement saying they were investigating charges of sexual abuse against CCM artist Chris Rice after one of their previous male students came forward and alleged that Rice sexually assaulted him on several occasions 20 years ago.
While Rice hasn’t been relevant in the music space for a long time now, he was active and a big deal in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. He is best known for writing the Michael W Smith hit “Welcome to Our World,” releasing albums Deep Enough to Dream and Smell the Color 9, and releasing the controversial (at the time) “Cartoon Song.” Rice also was nominated for and won several Dove awards.
Rice is accused of molesting a male student, with the statement saying “While these remain allegations at this point, we are treating them as credible because of the source of the allegations and corroborating evidence we have discovered.”
The Church also announced that they were commissioning GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), a Virginia-based non-profit organization run by Boz Tchividjian (brother of unrepentant, notorious womanizer Tullian Tchividjian) that helps Christian groups confront sexual, psychological, and physical abuses.
A year has passed since then, but nothing has come of it yet
Ministry Watch recently followed with GRACE, given much time passing without an update. They note:
Today, a year later, GRACE has not issued a report, and GRACE President Pete Singer told MinistryWatch that he did not have an estimated time for completion of the investigation. Experts told MinistryWatch that investigations of this nature often take months and should not be rushed because of the impact they have on people’s lives.
The law firm of Miller & Martin completed its investigation of Ravi Zacharias in about six months, and issued an interim report to the public after three months. Guidepost Solutions completed an investigation into allegations that Pastor Bryan Lorrits mishandled sexual misconduct in his church in about three months. The Zero Abuse Project completed its investigation into Menlo Church in about 10 months, interviewing 104 witnesses and reviewing more than 500,000 documents.
h/t Ministry Watch
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