Documentary ‘Send Proof’ Released, Ft Charismatics Giving ‘Evidence’ of ‘Supernatural’ ‘Healing’

On Sept 14th, 2021, the documentary ‘Send Proof’ was released, featuring a ‘who’s who’ of false charismatic faith healers, including Hillsong’s Brian Houston, Shawn Bolz, Heidi Baker, and Randy Clark.

Collectively these men and women have not healed a single person, on account of their atrocious heresies and theology, and yet the video purports to show them as the best evidence for healers that Christendom has to offer, with the four of them collectively alleging to have healed thousands if not tens of thousands of people from cancer, blindness, regrown legs, back backs, short legs, deafness, and a couple of resurrections for good measure. The film’s promotional material reads:

Follow Elijah Stephens in his search for evidence surrounding miracles. When his former pastor leaves the faith, Stephens finds his own worldview falling apart, and embarks on a journey to find proof for the supernatural. Along the way, he encounters sharp atheists and skeptics but also finds others who claim to have evidence for miraculous healings.

Apart from the NAR folk, the film likewise brings on famous atheist skeptics (and notably no cessationists Christians) to refute the believers, all who are adamant that miracles do not take place.

The film disagrees, offering up one example as proof being Heidi Baker, a New Apostolic Reformation ‘Miracle Worker’ and Apostlette. Researchers headed down to Pemba, Mozambique which is the headquarters of their Iris Global Missions Base ministry to test the veracity of the known “healer.” There, researchers tested 24 people before and after Baker prayed for healing.

They concluded that unlike Jesus or Paul who performed miracles and healed the sick and dying, seeing instant, indisputable, complete and permanent healings, after Baker’s prayer, further testing only allegedly detected “statistically significant improvements in hearing and vision.”

The video is available for download for 15$, but we have no intention of watching it.

Bonus. One of the healers, Randy Clark, getting wild with the Holy Ghost

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4 thoughts on “Documentary ‘Send Proof’ Released, Ft Charismatics Giving ‘Evidence’ of ‘Supernatural’ ‘Healing’

  1. You failed to mention the non NAR healings in the documentary… wait a second, that’s because NONE of the healing claims investigated in the movie are NAR. Only supplemental material is from the Heidi Baker study.

    Thank you for your heart to safeguard the Body. While I disagree with your conclusion, I still hope your life is blessed to the fullest

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