Beth Moore: ‘The Pulpit Has become a Threat to Women’

Joining the former ERLC President at his new Church in downtown Nashville, Beth Moore joined her fellow ex-Southern Baptist buddy Russell Moore on a trip down memory lane last Thursday evening, (September 9) reminiscing about all the times they felt ashamed to be associated with their denomination.

The event was not live-streamed, unfortunately so we don’t have video or audio of it yet. Barnabas Piper informs that it was a podcast recording for Moore’s new Public Theology Project, which he’s doing in conjunction with Christianity Today, the progressive rag that he’s found his new home at, and it will be released eventually.

Thankfully, Bob Smietana did a write-up on it an RNS, writing how they spent the night in light banter as they discussed why they left the denomination, pointing out the fact that much of it was based on so many Christians supporting Donald Trump, and being saddened that so few of their fellow baptists were joining in the criticism of the former president. She explained why she had to speak out:

“What would you expect out of someone who lives their whole life serving women? “I expected Donald Trump to be Donald Trump. That was not a shock to me. I did not expect us to be us.”

Then, she reflected how she experienced a barrage of sustained criticism after announcing that she was preaching from the pulpit to the whole congregation during Mother’s day.

Her preaching at this event led her to tell Moore and the listening audience that women were not a threat to the pulpit but rather:

“No, no, no. Forgive me. The pulpit had become a threat to women.”

We have scoured the internet and cannot find any more direct quotes from this event, and so we will follow up on this article as soon as the audio drops. To read more background about these events, click here and here

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12 thoughts on “Beth Moore: ‘The Pulpit Has become a Threat to Women’

  1. And Beth is a threat to the pulpit. I’m not SB, but they are much, much, really much better off without her. In the end, fools listen to fools.

  2. A surprising bit of agreement: the conservatives ALSO feel ashamed Moore & Moore were ever associated with the denomination.

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