Charismatic Prophetess Reveals Existence of ‘Fake Hell’/ ‘Mock Hell’ Where Children and ‘Women who Wear Blue Jeans’ Go

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, and other fantastical creatures- the result of visiting heaven “thousands of times,” she’s explaining that Satan has created a ‘Fake Hell’ where children and women wearing makeup go.
Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 39 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, Shultz tells her about a guest on the Sid Roth show who had a vision where he saw Christians in hell and wanted to know about her take on such a vision, and whether believers can be found there. She explains:
I don’t think that they could be a Christian, a true believer and be in hell no matter what. Either they (The man giving the vision) didn’t mean what they said, they were just joking and they’re lying, or it was a situation where somebody was taken to the mock hell.
(In this mock hell) they are shown people. And this mock hell is a place Satan created, he can make things in the spirit realm. And when the Spirit comes to ask you to go with them, you better test that spirit. And Satan does that often.
So there’s a mock hell, as in not real. This whole thing’s made up but it looks real. You can see children there, you’ll see believers in there, and they’re being told this- there are people that were told this:
She reveals that this hell is filled with children who didn’t obey their parents and women who wear blue jeans or makeup because that is where people were told they would go if they acted and dressed that way.
And so the issue with the fake hell is because people don’t understand the spirit realm. It’s a real place. It’s a literal place, there is building materials, spiritual building materials to build things.
When I go out, I see places all over the place, some built by hell, and you don’t see what your physical eyes and so he (the devil) has made in the second heaven a mock hell, and it’s fake. It’s not real, and so he can convince people…they had a real encounter. The bottom line we’re looking for was did this person really have that encounter? Most likely they did.
They traveled, they were taken to this place, probably by something that looked like an angel, and they were told this information and then they’re always told ‘go back in Share the truth. “
Well, that’s not the truth. That’s a lie. Yes, they had an encountered that was not an angel of God. That was not the real hell. Trust me…. you’re not going to go to hell for wearing jewelry. makeup or blue jeans, people, you go to hell for rejecting, outwardly, openly rejecting hating and despising Jesus Christ.”
Pretty sure this is true, as I once visited a mock Hell called ‘Baltimore’ in our world.
@Dr. Scooter
Being married to my ex-wife was a literal hell too! And I would imagine being married to our favorite pink-haired “Profit” isn’t a picnic either?!