Pastrix Michelle Higgins Instructs Congregants to Reveal Personal Pronouns Before They Can Speak at Pulpit

Michelle Higgins, the senior “pastrix” of Saint John’s Church (United Church of Christ) continues to leave us vexed but unsurprised at the blasphemously progressive way she’s running her new church goat pen, this time with a series of proverbial open-handed slaps to the face of Jesus. This is being done while flying David Hammons’ Pan-African Flag, whose colors according to Black Art in America “are representative, as the red is for the blood, the black is for the people, and the green is for the natural wealth of the Motherland, Africa,” in the background.
A Prophet Gets Misgendered?
To kick things off, Higgins insists on using a unique pronunciation for the prophet Joel, proffering in her opening salvo:
My name is Michelle, I’m the pastor here. And I want to just give us some kind of grounding and opportunity for us to join together in the Word of God. So if you have your Bible app, if you have a Bible in front of you, we’re going to go to the book of Joelle, the prophet Joelle.
Now some of us just pronounced it ‘Joel.’ And that’s alright too. That’s alright (unintelligeble). We love you anyway. I’m not trying to shade nobody. If you go to the second chapter, this actually chapters one, verse thirteen. We have an opportunity today, beloved, to lament so many spaces where Faith is the center.”
No word yet if she insists on calling the book of John “The book of Joanna,” but over the course of the scattered, aimless “sermon” she repeatedly calls the prophet “Joelle.” We’ll assume she’s just using some esoteric pronunciation rather than misgendering based on her well-established pro-queer ideology, but you really never know.
Everyone Must Reveal Personal Pronouns When Introducing Themselves in Church
After a brief scripture reading, several people come up to the front to share what the verse meant to them, with Higgins instructing them to give their personal pronouns before they speak. (Apologies for the video quality: the original feed itself was choppy.)
“Morning beloved community. My name is Andrew I use he/him pronouns….”
“Good morning. My name is Elisa. I use the ‘she’ series…”
“Hi, I’m Maggie, I’m she/her pronouns. Yeah, it’s interesting that…”and the best:
“Good morning. My name is Heidi. she, her, whatever, I don’t know. I don’t do the pronoun things. I’m too old for that. My name is Heidi. (Editor’s Note: Hahahahahaha…)
Offer Prayers and/ Or “Positive vibes”
Pastrix Higgins forgets she is in a Christian church rather than at a festival for bygone hippies and pagans, telling the congregants:
If there are any prayer requests that people want to quickly shout out and I’ll say them from the microphone. I’ll give you all items to pray over. Or if you are up the tradition of sending positive vibes, hopes and wishes for well-being you are welcome to do that as well.
More Queer Trinity Talk
Higgins reiterates her belief that the Trinity is queer:
We believe that the body of Jesus is that forever and ever, but we believe that God is three persons. Now I invite you to email me and talk to me about my trinitarianism. Let me assure you that I’m a little more ‘the Trinity is kind of queer,’ more so ‘the Trinity will strip you negative, hang you upside down unless you believe exactly what I believe.’
Again, this woman is one-third of the podcasting trio The Truth’s Table that is lauded and platformed as an orthodox, excellent resource for faithful Christians. Higgins shares the mic with co-hosts Christina Edmondson (wife of Mika Edmondson, whose always ragging on the SBC) and Ekimini Uwan. They know exactly who she is. They know how deep the rabbit role of blasphemy goes, and all parties affirm her as a sister in Christ.
This should naturally lead you to ask: can you trust the parties that hold up her?
You all know what we think. Or at least you should by now…
This is crazy!!
There are only 2 genders and women can’t be pastors!
Long live the Word of God!!
This is not me obviously but a troll who stole my identity. Cyber crime is domestic terrorism 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
And to think the UCC claims descent from the Puritans.
Good morning. My name is Howard sometimes pronounced as “Hard” in Kentucky. My relatives in Kentucky think I’m retired so they say “Hard is retard”. I’m a white male and my pronouns are he/him/dad/grandpa. My prayer is that everyone in this group would repent and believe in Jesus for forgiveness of sins so they too can be born again like me and stop this evil stupid behavior. Thank you.