Disney Debuts Its First Ever LGBTQQIP2SAA Love Song

YouTube screencap of the offending grossness

(Answers in Genesis) The LGBT activists are out to capture your kids! A recent study found that, between 2017 and 2019 alone, LGBTQ+ characters in children’s programming saw a 222% increase for a total of 259 such characters aimed at influencing children. And as more studios appoint openly LGBT showrunners and give them the green light to include such characters in their shows, this is only going to grow exponentially. Take, for example, a new development from Disney+.

In a recent episode of a popular show on their streaming platform, Disney debuted their first homosexual love song. Two young men in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (HSMTMTS) affirm their love for one another in this new song titled “The Transformation.” Teen Vogue shares:

The normalization of Seb and Carlos’ romance sets it apart from other queer relationships on screen in which sexuality is a burden or hurdle to overcome, rather than just another trait of one’s personality. “We’re not trying to achieve something crazy,” Frankie adds. “We just want love and romance just like everybody else. The song is about acceptance between the two, but then also, how they’re being presented to the world.”

Disney wants to show teens and children that homosexual romances are totally normal to help ensure the..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ken Ham and published at Answers in Genesis

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6 thoughts on “Disney Debuts Its First Ever LGBTQQIP2SAA Love Song

  1. I can’t wait to sing “The Transformation” at my megachurch. Watch as this becomes an evangelical anthem.

  2. This whole younger generation is lost. Ideas have consequences and they have been raised on the lies of the left for the last 20 years. This was a planned assault on children to raise up an army of intolerant, liberal, and God-hating heathens. There’s no wonder the world is so bad right now.

    1. They are going to be extremely angry when reality hits them in the face and they will lash out blindly.

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