United Methodist Drag Queen Gets Star Treatment from Denomination’s Official News Service

(Juicy Ecumenism) United Methodist candidate for ordination who performs as a drag queen has been favorably profiled by the denomination’s official news service.

“Drag is over-the-top and joyous,” a pearl-bedecked Isaac Simmons shared, his tall 23-year-old frame balanced atop high heels and crowned with a bright red wig to preach on Pentecost Sunday as his drag persona, Ms. Penny Cost.

A service at Hope Church of Bloomington, Illinois was featured in a video profile of Simmons by Joey Butler and Mike DuBose of the United Methodist News Service (UMNS). Accompanied by upbeat guitar, the video follows Simmons as he embraces congregants and speaks of a spiritual journey that led him to United Methodism.

In March, Simmons became the first openly gay candidate to be certified for ministry in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. He currently serves as operations director for Hope Church.

Simmons previously admitted surprise that his candidacy was approved through a unanimous vote by the Vermillion River District Committee on Ministry.

“I have a duty to use my privilege…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by and published at Juicy Ecumenism. Title changed by Protestia

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7 thoughts on “United Methodist Drag Queen Gets Star Treatment from Denomination’s Official News Service

  1. Complete and total reprobate disgrace. Not only supporting and celebrating an abomination, but also a very evil form of bearing false witness by attempting to present himself as something he is not, followed by the further sin of expecting, if not demanding, that everyone else support and participate in the abominable delusion thereby coercing and extorting others into sin.

    The Bible could not be anymore clear. From such turn away! – 2 Tim. 3:5

  2. Unbelievably disgusting. Horrid. Vile.

    Methodists continue their ‘methodical’ slide into complete and utter blasphemy. There’s going to be tens of thousands of them standing before the Almighty at the Great White Throne Judgment confused as to why He is ordering His angels to push them into the Lake of Fire, but those in Heaven will have no doubts as to why they are damned.

    1. Matthew 7:21-23 comes to mind. It has been on my mind lately: “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”

      Jesus’ words are very clear. One cannot “work iniquity” and be saved. Additionally what they’re doing to children, causing them to stumble, will reap them a harsher punishment still.

      Of course, much of the reason they’re doing what they’re doing is because they hate the concept of sowing and reaping – consequences of their own actions and bad decisions.

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