David Platt’s Co-Pastor Says It’s Difficult for Him Not to ‘Torch All White People’

(Reformation Charlotte) During an interview with Evangelical podcaster, Jennie Allen, Mike Kelsey–co-pastor at McLean Bible Church in Virginia with David Platt–said that it was difficult for him “not to torch all white people.”

This level of racism, whether spoken or indeed, should be intolerable among the Church of Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Kelsey are elevated to positions of leadership they are unqualified for.

This is not a matter of bridling the tongue–this is a matter of out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). In other words, Mike Kelsey has exposed his racism and…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

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6 thoughts on “David Platt’s Co-Pastor Says It’s Difficult for Him Not to ‘Torch All White People’

  1. Just another racist in the pulpit, but it’s okay ’cause he’s black. Move along, nothing to see here.

    1. You’ve made that breathtakingly stupid and obviously untrue comment before, Johnny.
      Seriously, are you just baiting us or are you really this uneducated? I don’t mean to hurt your feelings if you’re not smart – being dumb isn’t a sin, it’s just not good when you’re attempting to converse with adults in a public forum – unless, of course, you’re seeking pity.
      Is this a cry for help, Johnny?

      1. STOP REPLYING TO JOHNNY. He is a troll and not even a good one at that. Stop feeding the little retard.

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