Super-Exciting Book for Patrons! ‘Social Justice Pharisees by AD Robles

We are very excited to announce a book for patrons that – at the moment – you cannot get anywhere else! We will be sending out copies to all Expositor-Level patrons (and above), AD Robles new book, “Social Justice Pharisees: Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them” on July 6. 

You’ll receive them  in the mail, for our “Expositors,” and in addition, any new Expositor-Level patrons by July 5. Currently, this book is in pre-order status ONLY and you can’t get except throught his sweet, sweet perk of being a patron of P&P. 


Social Justice Pharisees: Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them prepares readers for the social justice conflict in their local church, evangelicalism in general, and the culture at large.

Social justice has been able to gain traction in the evangelical church due to a lack of clarity on key issues of biblical justice. The “woke church movement” seeks to capitalize on this lack of clarity and push politically progressive ideas in the conservative evangelical church. Biblical sounding words, such as “justice” and “love”, are robbed of their meaning and the lack of clear teaching on these issues has put the layman in an uncomfortable position. The good news is that the solution is straightforward. Social Justice Pharisees shows that there are a handful of easy to memorize verses that teach easy-to-understand principles that refute each objectionable aspect of the social justice movements key errors. They have been there all along and just need to be applied to modern context in a straightforward way.

A.D. Robles is a Puerto Rican reformed Christian. His family tree includes African slaves, European slaveholders, slave traders, and native Americans. All the usual accusations and insults don’t work against him and his family. More importantly, he has a knack for teaching biblical concepts in layman’s terms, thereby amassing a following on his YouTube channel, which is dedicated to this task. Unlike many major theologians, in Social Justice Pharisees, A.D. does not try to dazzle with complicated words or reference obscure philosophers. Instead, he seeks to be understood plainly. For a handbook of this sort, this is crucial.

If you want access to this book, follow the links below to join our Patreon and become an ‘Expositor’ to the glory of God.

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1 thought on “Super-Exciting Book for Patrons! ‘Social Justice Pharisees by AD Robles

  1. Whatever happened to the Marxist book on the church JD Hall was writing that was supposed to come out that was funded through Go Fund Me? Is that still a thing?

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