PCA Debates Resolution To Bar ‘SSA Christians’ From Church Leadership

A resolution introduced at the 2021 Presbyterian Church of America General Assembly to bar from church leadership anyone identifying as a “gay Christian” or “same-sex attracted Christian” is being hotly contested, with the progressive wing of the denomination seeking to do all they can to ensure it fails to produce enough level of support to adopt it into the Book of Church Order.

Known as Overture 23 it states:

and resolves:

This would be an excellent, providential victory for biblically faithful stalwarts at the PCA, who have long been regarded as a conservative, faithful denomination, but which in the last decade has been infiltrated by theological liberals who have been pushing scandalous, unorthodox beliefs and practices through their ‘Revoice Conference.”

We would encourage any Southern Baptists out there who want an excellent resolution to introduce at the next Convention to take a look here, as it would require hardly any modifying.

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19 thoughts on “PCA Debates Resolution To Bar ‘SSA Christians’ From Church Leadership

  1. Tim Keller tweeted out his response to this pretending to be serious about resolving it—the very problem he himself helped to create! I can’t think of a more subtle false teacher than him.

      1. I’m sure everyone noticed in all the Sermongate articles that one of the few people Ed Litton actually gave credit to quoting was Tim Keller.

  2. This is pure Evil
    And nazi.
    True evangelicals stand with 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

    1. Hey Johnny, as you repeatedly use the word ‘evangelical,’ you really should know what it means:

      of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.
      a member of the evangelical tradition in the Christian Church.

      As you can see, what you espouse has nothing to do with evangelical anything, as it is clearly not ‘of or according to the teaching of the Gospel or Christian religion.’ As such, you are obviously not a member of ‘the evangelical tradition in the Christina Church.’
      You’re welcome.

  3. So I assume those who have hetreosexual lustful thoughts for anyone other than a spouse will will also be banned. Also, those who have hated anyone… I mean it’s the same as murder. I’m sure that’s coming just to be consistent.

    1. Thank you Barry.
      I dont believe unrepentant homosexuals should be allowed ordination. But if you have struggled with the thought, you surely shouldn’t be barred.

      This is ridiculous, and one step towards perfectionism.

    2. Where did you see individuals would be excluded for ‘thoughts?’
      Here, let me help: You didn’t.

  4. I read the thing. It is not saying that someone with homosexual temptations would be barred, nor even someone who struggles with homosexual desires. It would bar people who self-identify as SSA Christians. That’s the right place to draw the line.

  5. Mr. Van Neuter: I’m a member of a normal evangelical megachurch. At least 2,000 others, including the lead pastor, believe and vote as I do. Perhaps YOU are the confused weirdo. You are probably a domestic terrorist with no church home. Maybe try standing with 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

    1. That’s Doctor Van Neuter to you, Johnny.
      Still waiting for the name of that heretical collective you falsely call an ‘evangelical’ church.
      BTW, I gave you the technical definition of the word ‘evangelical’ in another recent thread. Your church is obviously anything but, so I would drop that part if you desire to be truthful.
      insert tiny perversion flags here

  6. Banning self-described homosexuals from leadership? Next thing you know they will ban self-described adulterers, self-described embezzlers and self-described peeping toms. What’s next, banning self-described pedophiles?

  7. Any person who has an issue with this overture is the problem with the church these days. Read your Bibles, people. It’s not that hard.

    1. Which is Biblically correct. (1 Cor. 5). We are told to turn away from the sexual immoral (1 Cor. 5:10-11, 2 Tim. 3:5, and other passages), just as Lot and wife were told turn away and not look back.

  8. Homosexual advocates have many churches where they can ply their evil deeds. They are not and should not be allowed to contaminate the PCA with their unrepentant and sinful activities. The PCA should wipe the dust off their feet and move on. Do not allow the serious and urgent business at hand for the church to be put aside for discussions which are patently anti-scriptual. The Episcopalians, the PCUSA, and the Methodists have all paid the price for pandering to these advocates of the homosexuals. Do not continue to appease. They will not stop until they gain their evil desires.

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