Largest ‘Christian’ Adoption Agency Warns White Parents Against Adopting Black Children

Three months ago Bethany Christian Services, the largest Christian adoption and foster agency in the United States revealed themselves to be treacherous twofold sons of hell after announcing they would be offering their adoption services to homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered couples.
At the time, it was necessary to allow sodomites to adopt because “the need was so great” and they were taking an “all hands on deck” approach. When it comes to finding safe and loving homes for black children, maybe not so much.
In their annual report, Bethany explains that they have spent the last 2.5 years focusing on becoming “an anti-racist organization” that has required “intensive learning experiences for all staff on anti-racism principles.” (Translation: indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory.)
As a result, they have declared their opposition to the federal law, the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA), which prohibits race from being a factor in adoption.
Being freshly trained in the ways of wokeness, they are now convinced that MEPA has contributed to “disparate outcomes for BIPOC children and families” and are urging that a child’s race be “considered as part of the best interests determination for child placement.” This is being done because allowing white families to adopt black children from the foster care system “can cause a lot of harm to children of color.”
In order to factor in the race quotient, they are putting a much stronger emphasis and consideration on “the cultural, ethnic, or racial background of the child and the capacity of the prospective foster or adoptive parent to meet the needs of a child of such background.”
The report concludes by saying they believe that the laws that say the adoption process should be “colorblind” are misguided, as it “prevents social workers from ensuring the protection and support of Black children’s cultural heritage and from assessing whether a family is ‘unqualified or unprepared’ to parent a child of another race.”
We said it last time and we’ll say it again; shame on them. May they cry out to God in repentance.
Yes, that’s the last thing this country needs is black children listening to Toto…
That is sad and very racist.
For the love of the Lord we can’t allow evil, white oppressors to adopt poor black children from a poorly-run orphanage and give them a loving, safe home, good food to eat, clothes upon their backs, and a chance to have a quality education! No evil Cracker could ever possibly love a black child that has no family; they only adopt black children so they may keep them oppressed! Loving black children who have no parents? Forbid it, Lord! [Obvious sarcasm should be obvious]