Breaking: SBC via NAMB Trustees Lie to US Supreme Court

(Capstone Report) Once again Southern Baptists present a false statement to federal courts in a desperate effort to defeat Will McRaney and protect Kevin Ezell.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission lied to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Will McRaney case. Now, lawyers for the North American Mission Board (NAMB) just filed a brief with the Supreme Court of the United States that is deceptive and false. Namely, NAMB just claimed state conventions are Southern Baptist entities.

NAMB claimed in its filing May 28, 2021, “Reverend McRaney attempts to avoid certiorari by emphasizing that, though he was employed by one Southern Baptist entity, he was never employed by the particular Southern Baptist entity that he sued, namely the SBC Mission Board.”

There are only 12 Southern Baptist entities—and the state conventions are NOT Southern Baptist entities.

Currently, state convention…

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Editor’s note. This article was originally posted at the Capstone Report

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