PSA: If Someone You Know is Considering Adoption, Reach Out to Us

If someone you know is considering adoption, being in a position where they cannot care for the child in their womb or after it has been born, please reach out to us.
As a Christian organization that is a ministry of a local church, we have access to a fully vetted family who would love to adopt. These are wonderfully loving, nurturing, and faithful parents who are sound in the faith and have a welcoming home.
Having them as the parents would guarantee the child would grow up being taught the scriptures, the gospel, and would be well-loved by the family and their friends and community.
The adoptive parents would travel anywhere in the country to meet the child and would pay for all expenses relating to having him or her including prenatal care, all adoption fees, and all living expenses for the mother while she has the child, and even afterward for a time.
If this is you or someone you know, please reach out to us either by PM on any of our social media pages, or by emailing