New Documentary Film Exposes the Malfeasance and Scandal of Servus Christi (aka Joshua Chavez)

A new documentary film has been released by Tbckawaii , chronicling the malfeasance and dirty deeds done in darkness by Servus Christi, aka Joshua Chavez, as well as cult leader and enabler Jacob Prasch.

Featuring JD Hall, Chris Rosebrough, Justin Peters, as well as our own site, the 44-minute film, according to the press release “Exposes Joshua Chavez as the man (and woman!) behind Servus Christi Ministries, “an exposing that also captures his intensely evil associate and fake Jew cult leader Jacob Prasch in his lies and deception to coverup the career-terminating sins both men threw themselves into in their demonized crusade against Christ and Christ’s people.”

The film is best viewed in High Definition and is available here

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3 thoughts on “New Documentary Film Exposes the Malfeasance and Scandal of Servus Christi (aka Joshua Chavez)

  1. This video is fantastic. Every time he pops on the screen in that jester outfit I laugh like a loon.

    Also, his sham marriage proves how unbelievably stupid he really is – that girl is waaaaaayyy too pretty to be with a jobless bum like him, and he sent her back to South Africa because she expected him to, you know, be a man and work a real job?

    He must be gay.

  2. Also: does the vile Joshua Chavez have a Twitter account? I’d like to harass him some for funsies.

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