Televangelist Jim Bakker talks End-time Astroids, Transdimensional Beings, Wormwood, and Alien Virus

(Right Wing Watch) While televangelist Jim Bakker’s daily television program has always been a repository for misinformation, baseless conspiracy theories, and End Times fearmongering, his show has gotten decidedly stranger in recent days.

Earlier this week, Bakker interviewed right-wing conspiracy theorist Steve Quayle, who spent two programs warning about aliens, demons, trans-dimensional beings, and “diseases that are designed to initiate cannibalism in human beings” and turn them into literal zombies. On the heels of those programs, Bakker interviewed End Times conspiracy theorist Tom Horn, who warned that an asteroid will strike the Earth in 2029, unleashing an alien virus that will give rise to the Antichrist.

On Thursday’s program, Horn discussed his recent book, “The Wormwood Prophecy,” which claims that the government is covering up the fact that an asteroid known as Apophis will strike the Earth in 2029. While scientists say that Apophis will simply pass by our planet in 2029, Horn insists that it will actually strike the Earth and fulfill the prophecy in Revelation 8: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”

“I believe Apophis is the asteroid that is talked about in the book of Revelation, chapter eight,” Horn said. “It is what is called ‘Wormwood’ in the Bible.”

“I believe that Apophis is carrying an alien microorganism on…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kyle Mantyla and published at Right Wing Watch. Title changed by Protestia

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3 thoughts on “Televangelist Jim Bakker talks End-time Astroids, Transdimensional Beings, Wormwood, and Alien Virus

  1. my aunt and uncle love this guy, all his guests, believe everything the so-called prophets say, are still waiting for Trump’s promised 2nd term, and watch TBN. I tried to gently and respectfully talk with them, but it’s like talking to a brick wall.

  2. Hey Doc, does this mean that there’s a possibility that my ex-wife really is an alien? Seriously, though, I think, how should we compare Bakker’s show, which I don’t watch, with what Alex Jones does, especially when he has segments on by David Icke from England who often shares his New Age religious ideas, I even though he doesn’t says he doesn’t follow any.

    He realizes that the Woke movement is all about destroying western civilization, which was underpinned by Christianity, yet does not think that Christianity is valid enough to follow or attempt to be one and thanks instead that where spiritual beings created by the cosmos.

  3. Hey Doc, does this mean that there’s a possibility that my ex-wife really is an alien? Seriously, though, I think, how should we compare Bakker’s show, which I don’t watch, with what Alex Jones does, especially when he has segments on by David Icke from England who often shares his New Age religious ideas, I even though he doesn’t says he doesn’t follow any.

    He realizes that the Woke movement is all about destroying western civilization, which was underpinned by Christianity, yet does not think that Christianity is valid enough to follow or attempt to be one and thanks instead that where spiritual beings created by the cosmos.

    By the way, regarding Bakker again, where is Tammy when you need her?

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