Desiring God and TGC Author Renounces His Faith, Says He’s in The Best Place of His Life

(Reformation Charlotte) Apostasy is one of the most tragic phenomenons of Christianity. It never ceases to amaze how someone can live such a lie for such a long time only to end up renouncing their faith. Time after time, popular Christian figures have renounced their faith over the centuries–but it appears to be picking up at breakneck speed.

Several popular and prominent Christian figures have renounced their Christianity over the last couple of years including the former editor of Christianity Today, Mark Galli, popular Hillsong musician, Marty Sampson, and purity culture pastor, Josh Harris, among many others.

Now, another prominent Christian figure has renounced his faith–a former Desiring God writer and the author of the book, The Trauma of Doctrine, Paul Maxwell.

Maxwell made his announcement on his Instagram feed earlier today.

“What I really miss is connection with people,” Maxwell says, “what I’ve discovered is that I’m ready to connect again. And I’m kind of ready not to be angry anymore…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

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5 thoughts on “Desiring God and TGC Author Renounces His Faith, Says He’s in The Best Place of His Life

  1. It is impossible to renounce that which you have never had. All of the “renouncers” that we hear about have one thing in common and that is simply that they were never regenerated by the Spirit of God. When I was a lad, and that’s a long time ago, I made a “decision for Christ” no fewer than eight times. Problem was that even as a youth I knew nothing had happened. It was the product either of an “evangelistic hard sell” at the end of a service that had been designed for just that, or it was because “I wanted what all my friends and family had”. I think my motives were pure enough, but God was not in it. This went on for quite a long time until one night after a brief “Bible study” with the young lady who has now been my wife for fifty six years, God got me up from my bed with a profound sense of sorrow for sin. I don’t think I can put it any other way. And in a dingy little bachelor apartment, I knelt by my bed, confessed that sin and by His grace alone, I was saved. That was almost sixty years ago and while my life has gone through some great trials, I have never in all those years felt apart from my God in Christ. There is of course a lot more I could say, but if you were able to closely examine the lives of all those who have turned away from their faith, I doubt you will find much substance in their “experience”.

  2. Isn’t there a verse of Scripture that goes like this: “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. at it might become plain that they all are not of us.“

    1 John 2:19 (ESV)

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