Beth Moore says Mike Huckabee Calling out Hypocrisy ‘Entirely Antithetical to the Gospel

Beth Moore addresses a summit on sexual abuse and misconduct at Wheaton College, Dec. 13, 2018, in Wheaton, Ill. Bible study teacher Beth Moore has been beloved among Southern Baptists for years, packing out stadiums and selling millions of books. But when Moore began to criticize Trump and call out sexism, racism, and abuse in the church, she became a pariah. Now Moore has left the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, saying she can no longer identify as Southern Baptist. (Emily McFarlan Miller/Religion News Service via AP)

Newly departed from the SBC, Beth Moore, took to Twitter on the weekend to harangue Mike Huckabee fpr calling out the hypocrisy of the culture and American businesses, saying that a tweet he made was “antithetical to the gospel.”

As a result of the tweet, many people piled on, decrying it as evil and racist. The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile called it “wretched,” and Sam Won led the way on charges of racism, prompting Moore to further share how stunned she was at such a racially insensitive comment.

The point was seemingly lost on Moore and her host of evagelical pilers-on. All the mentioned corporate businesses have criticized the actions of Georgia politicians to protect voting rights, while at the same time kowtowing to the Chinese government by turning a blind eye to the genocide and monstrosities they are committing. Huckabee pointed this out, and Moore took out her talons to scratch him until he felt shame.

If sarcasm and pointing out hypocrisy is considered “antithetical to the Gospel,” this demonstrates Moore has a warped understanding of what the gospel is, and cannot be trusted to lead or teach anyone. [Editor’s note: Duh, we’ve been trying to tell you that since at least 2016!] She really needs to go home.

Huckabee did respond to Moore, explaining that he was just having a bit of fun and takes the gospel seriously. Because he’s a squishy sort, he parted praising her and her ministry.

For more on Moore, you should buy this book.

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3 thoughts on “Beth Moore says Mike Huckabee Calling out Hypocrisy ‘Entirely Antithetical to the Gospel

  1. Beth Moore will face God one day, I truly hope she and all the wolves in her pack will repent and turn to God. Get out of the “ministry” you are building up wrath for yourselves.

  2. I would be afraid to accumulate a lot of personal wealth, while in ministry.
    Plus, I would be very hesutant to say: ” thus says the Lord”,
    without a boatload of self-vetting.

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