Preacher Criticizes ‘Satan’s Shoes’ as ‘An Affront to Believers’ While Wearing Pair of $5611 Yeezys

A preacher has come out swinging against ‘Satan’s Shoes” – the red pair of Nike shoes made in collaboration with Gay Rapper Lil Nas X and MSCHF that is alleged to contain a drop of human blood – describing them as a “direct affront to believers,” but he may not be one to talk.

The pastor in question, John Gray, released an Instagram video where he explained:

They’re selling shoes with human blood in them. And they’re selling for a particular amount which coincides with a Scripture reference to Jesus saying ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning’ – a direct affront to believers, disrespect and dishonor to people of faith during resurrection week…

I defy the devil who’s trying to snatch a generation, and the silence of the church because of fear is not okay with me! I’m not okay with it…Nobody fears the church. They don’t respect us as a people.

Speaking of affronts to believers, Gray is a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. He left there and joined Relentless Church in South Carolina in 2018, moving into a $1.8 million mansion “parsonage” paid for by said church. This is quite prescient, as ironically the only thing he has been “relentless” about is cheating on his wife while staying employed and wearing expensive clothing. That may have something to do with why “they don’t respect us.”

While Gray complains about a set of shoes being “an affront to believers,” a typical Sunday morning outfit from Gray may cost as much as years worth of rent for some of his congregation members, with Gray being a shining superstar on Preacherssneakers.

There is the $1145 sweater, the other $770 sweater, the $4005 shoes, the $9625 parka, the other $3721 pair of shoes, and then finally these bad boys

“Satan’s Shoes” may be blasphemous and offensive, but a bit of introspection about other acts of deviltry might go a long way.

[Editor’s note: Sadly, this is no April Fool’s joke.]

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4 thoughts on “Preacher Criticizes ‘Satan’s Shoes’ as ‘An Affront to Believers’ While Wearing Pair of $5611 Yeezys

  1. Can someone please tell me how these articles of clothing could possibly cost that much, unless you can just chalk it up to outrageous price gouging? Second, how does this guy’s congregation let him get away with that. My pastor basically wears the same two, plaid, short sleeve shirts to preach in all year long. Sometimes, although I’m sure he’s fairly well paid given he’s been in ministry 40 years, I’d like to offer to buy him some clothes.

  2. Hypocrite. I’m praying daily for the purification of the church- may Mr. Gray be converted or fall away.

    On a other note, I thought Nike had said they are not associated with these shoes? It’s kinda funny to see some skank steal their logo and put it on whatever they want. Nike deserves it. There’s apparently not much Nike can do about it.

    With all the hoopla about this I haven’t seen anyone question whose “human blood” this is, if it’s even real ( it could be a marketing scam). Maybe the Chinese slaves that work in some factory, like Nike factories, making plastic schlock and clothes for Americans? Uighurs or Chinese Christians kept in prisons and killed for organ harvesting? Who was sliced up so American millionaires can wear a status symbol with the literal blood of the proletariat in it? What kind of person would even want to? We’re as evil and megalomaniacal as any ancient pagan culture. (Again, IF it’s even true.) Why isn’t the church asking those questions instead of handwringing about some apostate rapper parading his apostasy. If he wants to go to hell, the gate’s wide open.

    1. I can’t help but note the humorous irony that Nike was the among the first and largest companies to support the blm falsehoods created to kill American sports, cities, police, and really just to kill America period. Now their logo shows up on “satan shoes.” Lol. Does Jesus, or some angel stirring around somewhere, have a sense of humor or what? Could they make their observations any clearer?

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