Church Segregates Congregant Seating Based on Vaccination Status

In a move that ought to lead to great shame and repentance, a Roman Catholic church in Florida has decided to segregate church attendees according to their medical history, assigning one side of the sanctuary only for those who have been vaccinated from the coronavirus, and another for those who have not.
The image was shared by Dr. Taylor Marshall, a Roman Catholic author and podcaster who was sent the photograph by a listener, with the only information that it comes from down south and is from a papist church.
Interestingly, regardless of the status, both sides are commanded to social distance and wear masks, even if a congregant is fully vaccinated and has all their shots.
This is not a government mandate, but rather is an example of the minister policing the laity on the basis of their health. Though the parish priest in charge obviously thinks this is acceptable, we wonder whether or not he’d be so crass as to separate the church based on whether or not they were HIV positive, or have separate cordoned off sections for those with Hepatitis C.
This is not simply a Roman Catholic thing, but also is coming to protestant churches.
Anyone coming up on a sight like this ought to instantly turn and walk away right back where they came, shaking the dust from their feet.