Texas Senate Passes Bill to Ban Abortions After Unborn Baby’s Heart Begins Beating

(Life News) The Texas Senate voted Tuesday afternoon to pass legislation that would protect unborn babies from abortions once a heartbeat is detectable.

The heartbeat bill, state Senate Bill 8, passed on third reading and now heads to the state House. Sponsored by state Sen. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, the bill would require abortionists to check for an unborn baby’s heartbeat and prohibit the abortion if it is detected. It would create criminal penalties for abortionists who violate the measure.

“This bill says for the little baby inside her mother’s womb, if there is a heartbeat detected, that little baby will be protected,” Hughes said.

A leading pro-life group told LifeNews it is delighted that the state is advancing key legislation to protect babies from abortion.

“After a victorious two days in the State Senate, the Texas Pro-Life movement now focuses on…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt and Micaiah Bilger and published at Life News.

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