Joe Scarborough Deranged Rant: Skeptics who Oppose ‘Vaccine Passports’ are ‘Idiots’ who Disregard Jesus’ Teachings

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough went buck wild on TV this morning, ranting and raving at anyone opposing the notion of vaccine passports or skeptical of their efficacy and purpose, saying that “Our government, our sports teams, our concert promoters damned well better put together something where you can show your vaccine receipt.”

Calling anyone who opposes his perspective a “moron” “idiot” and “lunatic” he explains that “smart people” who “follow the science” and actually care about their children will support a vaccine passport and anyone saying otherwise is disobeying the teachings of Jesus.

“The selfishness is incredible. The stupidity is incredible… These idiots are now saying ‘I have the right to be stupid as hell. I have the right to believe stupid as hell people on Facebook. I have the right to believe in conspiracy theories.”

‘….If you still believe in God, maybe get on your knees and pray and ask why it is your thought system, your belief system has been so corrupted that you follow Q-anon, that you follow conspiracy theories, that you believe liars on Facebook instead of believing the truth.

Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth.’ When did that stop mattering to you? When did the truth stop mattering to you so much that you are willing to put other people’s lives at risk? Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his brother. You’re doing the opposite. You’re going out of your way to kill people.”

Good to know what our “unbiased” news media really think of us, as if we didn’t already know.

Note: Featured image adapted from photo by Jernej Furman under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.

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3 thoughts on “Joe Scarborough Deranged Rant: Skeptics who Oppose ‘Vaccine Passports’ are ‘Idiots’ who Disregard Jesus’ Teachings

  1. Somebody should ask this dim wit what a Karen and marvelous Marvin Hagler would have to say that the whole idea of vaccine passports and even the so-called Vaccine at all. Oh wait, that’s right they’re dead so they can’t, and they died soon after getting there so called jab.

    Think there might be a connection as there are thousands of other people throughout the world who have died not long after getting one of the “vaccines,” which is reportedly nothing more than experimental gene therapy. Sounds like we’re the new guinea pigs, doesn’t it?

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