Subscribe for FREE to #1 “Forbidden News” List in the Nation

The Insurgency is an email list sent each day to many thousands of alternative news consumers. Born in the heart of 2020’s social media purge of conservatives from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, Google, Apple, and hundreds of other Big Tech companies censoring conservative and Christian viewpoints, The Insurgency was created by the Gideon Knox Group to get news directly to We the People without using Big Tech platforms.
Although we were banned by several email servers for sending “forbidden news” (they fact-check and censor your personal emails, in case you did not know), we have found an excellent platform to evade their censors and get you streamlined, simple news links to sites like The Federalist, Gateway Pundit, Rebel News, Zero Hedge, Todd Starnes, Steve Deace, and – of course – the Montana Daily Gazette, Protestia, Mile High Evening News, and all of our Gideon Knox Group websites.
Gideon Knox Group, which you can support on Patreon here or donate to via Giving Fuel here, is a conservative and Christian publishing group that specializes in getting info where it needs to go.
By signing up for The Insurgency, you will get 50 (or so) links sent in a single email three days per week, directly to your inbox. Just open the email and click on that which interests you. Our Gideon Knox Team, spread throughout the United States and Canada, diligently finds “forbidden news” from around the web so you don’t have to, and links it for your convenience.
For news junkies and highly efficient people who don’t have time to scroll through social media to find whatever Zuckerberg is allowing you to see, this email service will save you time and time is money.
Again, this 3-email-a-week service is absolutely free and also ad-free.
However, if you’re really into staying up on forbidden news, you can subscribe to receive emails six days per week for only $7 per month or $70 per year. Doing so helps support Gideon Knox Group operations. Meanwhile, it’s an awesome service.
You can subscribe to The Insurgency email list, widely used by legislators, lobbyists, activists, and Christian leaders, at the Gideon Knox sub-page here, or by just using the form below.