ERLC Panel Exalts Christ. Just Kidding, They Praise Anti-White “Hair Discrimination” Legislation

(Reformation Charlotte) The stupidity of the woke movement is boundless. It’s a movement rooted in anti-white culture and is designed to destroy Western Civilization by assigning ill motives to “whiteness” and then labeling “whiteness” as the enemy of all other cultures. It’s a demonic movement that only those who are bound in slavery to an ideology apart from God can embrace. It’s absurd, to say the least.
But, where one would not assume that this ridiculous chicanery would be found would be in the Church, particularly, a supposedly conservative denomination like the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). But we all know the SBC is, for the most part, no longer conservative, thanks to the likes of Russell Moore, head of the denomination’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).
Recently, a video surfaced from a panel discussion — featuring Trillia Newbell of the ERLC and others — that was held a few months ago sponsored by the ERLC where Jesus was praised and the conservative culture, like the anti-abortion and pro-family movement, was lauded.
No, just kidding. That wasn’t discussed at all. What was discussed…
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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.